Poppin’Party – Initial (English Translation/Lyrics)


Poppin’Party – Initial

Initial ホンキの自分譲れなくて
衝動 指先から Emotion!

Initial     honki no jibun yuzurenakute
Initial     I couldn’t give my serious self up
shoudou yubisaki kara Emotion!
An impulse from my fingertips Emotion!

あの日わたしは 少女でも大人でもなく
混じりけのない眼差しで 夢だけ見てた

ano hi watashi wa shoujo demo otona demo naku
On that day, I was but a girl and not yet an adult
majirike no nai manazashi de yume dake miteta
With an unstained gaze, I only looked at my dreams

めらめらゆらゆらり 燃え滾[たぎ]る夜
勇気を噛み締めて 冒険[たび]に出たんだ

meramera yurayurari moetagiru yoru
burning, fluttering, a night seething in flames.
yuuki wo kamishimete tabi ni detan da
I bite down on my courage and went on an adventure

Initial 初めて湧き上がったものは
震え 体中から Emotion

Initial    hajimete wakiagatta mono wa
Initial    The first thing that surfaced was
furue     karadajuu kara Emotion
Tremble   An emotion from inside me

何故に 果てなき夜空に向かって
何度も同じ言葉を 叫び続けるのか?

naze ni hate naki yozora ni mukatte
Why do you face an endless sky
nando mo onaji kotoba wo sakebi tsuzukeru no ka?
Will you continue shouting those same words?

“手にしたもの”は 今でもここに

toki ni aimai de miushinau
Sometimes, It’s vague and you lose sight of it
tomadoi gachi na jibun demo
Even the puzzled but serious you 
“te ni shita mono” wa ima demo koko ni
“The things you got” are still right here

星の鼓動 感じて

inisharu no sono saki e
Beyond the initial
hoshi no kodou kanjite
Feel the beat of the stars
(kimi wa) tsuyoku kakinarashiteiru
(You are) Strongly strumming it
(ima mo) kokoro furuwasete
(Even now) make my heart tremble

そしてわたしは 初めての挫折に堕ちて
星ひとつない暗闇に 立ち竦んでた

soshite watashi wa hajimete no zasetsu ni ochite
I fell down when I failed for the first time
hoshi hitotsu nai kurayami ni tachisukundeta
I stood frozen in a starless darkness

ふらふらくらくらり 倒れた身体[からだ]
それでも立ち上がり 夜空を指した

furafura kurakurari taoreta karada
wobbly, dizzy, collapsing body
soredemo tachiagari yozora wo sashita
even so, I stood up and pointed at the night sky

Initial 今でもキミ探している

Initial    ima demo kimi sagashiteiru
Initial    Even now, I’m searching for you

触れる くちびるから Emotion

fureru   kuchibiru kara Emotion
Touch    From my lips Emotion

何故に 幾多の星屑の中で

naze ni ikuta no hoshikuzu no naka de
Why is it that inside the countless stardust,
sore ga ichiban kirei ni kagayaiteita no ka?
Why does it shine the most beautifully and brightly?

こんな密やかで 淑やかな
キミがいるなら それだけでいい

konna hisoyaka de shitoyaka na
On a night this still and quiet
hitoribocchi no yoru dakedo
It’s a night when I’m alone but
kimi ga iru nara sore dake de ii
If you were here, that’s all I would need.

星の鼓動 その身に

shoudou no sono saki e
Beyond the impulse
hoshi no kodou sono mi ni
The beat of the stars is inside you
(hayaku) yume no tsuzuki wo misasete
(Quickly) Show me the continuation of this dream
(ima mo) karada atsui mama
(Even now) My body is still hot


dareka ga hito no yume wo waratta
Some people will laugh at others’ dreams
dareka ga hito no yume ni naku
Some people will cry at others’ dreams


dareka wa hito no yume ni omoi wo kasaneteiru
Some people will pile their thoughts on others’ dreams


renzoku suru nichijou to
With the consecutive normal days

触れ合って 絡まって Halation

danzoku suru hi nichijou ga
The normal days that become intermittent
fureatte karamatte Halation
We come in contact and get tangled up Halation
chikyuu wa dare no mono ka tte?
Who owns the earth you ask?

そんなことよりも I love you

sonna koto yori mo I love you
More importantly, I love you

涙がひとつ 落ちて……

namida ga hitotsu ochite……
I single tear falls…..

「キミはキミだ」と 教えてくれた

marude futashika de tayorinaku
Almost as if silent and unreliable is
yoridokoro no nai jibun ni
the me with no one to lean on
“kimi wa kimi da” to oshiete kureta
“You are you” is what I was taught


inisharu wa itsu made mo
The initial will always be
hoshi no kodou ni dakare
embraced by the beat of the stars
(kimi wa) tsuyoku kakinarashiteiru
(You are) strongly strumming it out
(ima mo) kokoro furuwasete
(Even now) make my heart tremble

あの日わたしは 少女でも大人でもなく
混じりけのない眼差しで 夢だけ見てた

ano hi watashi wa shoujo demo otona demo naku
On that day, I was but a girl and not yet an adult
majirike no nai manazashi de yume dake miteta
With an unstained gaze, I only looked at my dreams


I appreciate any suggestions you can give in order to make this translation better. Sharing this or RT-ing the associated tweet really helps me reach more people!

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