The simple boyfriend-material looks that women really like

What do you think?

(click on the link for bigger pic)

-You know the saying about how the face completes the whole fashion right..?

-What's so important about the outfits..? The whole key of 'boyfriend-material looks' is the face and the body..

-Simple is the best..

-It looks quite simple, but if you pay attention.. No one dresses like that in real life..

-These are totally the style that I really like.. 

-I've seen almost all of those outfits on the subway station today..

-Not so bad.. Especially the 4th, 8th, and 9th pictures..

-The things that you need to achieve the boyfriend-material looks: Hot body and good-looking face..

-Any kind of clothes would look good with that body.. The guy in the pictures seems to be tall and also has a really wide shoulder..

-I know right,, If only my boyfriend would wear something like those..ㅠㅠ

-I'm imagining Cha Eunwoo and No Jaem Bot's face with these boyfriend-material looks..

-Conclusions: Get yourself a boyfriend with hot body..

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