Let's do an upvote-downvote game based on foods!!!
It's dawn right now, and I'm really hungryㅠㅠㅠ
I can't wait for the morning to come, I'm gonna eat a bowl of kimchi stew before going to schoolㅠㅠ
Okay, starting from me!
Upvote if you eat fried chicken with plastic gloves/bare hands
Downvote if you eat fried chicken with fork/chopsticks
1. [+293][-36] Salted seaweeds vs non-salted seaweeds
2. [+291][-33] Black bean noodles vs Black bean rice
3. [+230][-115] Do you eat sushi with wasabi inside of it vs you eat the wasabi separately
4. [+177][-39] It's 11PM right now, should I eat the ddeokbokki in front of me or not?
5. [+152][-56] Kimchi fried-rice with spam (canned cooked meat) vs Kimchi fried-rice with tuna
6. [+127][-59] When you eat sweet and sour pork, do you dip in the sauce or do you pour it?
7. [+124][-30] Corn-dog with sugar on top of it vs no sugar
8. [+117][-11] Do you use less than 6 fingers to eat fried chicken vs more than 6 fingers
9. [+112][-49] Fried shrimp vs fried squid
10. [+100][-109] Do you like mushrooms or not?
11. [+92][-75] Pork vs beef
12. [+91][-33] Spam vs tuna
13. [+70][-14] Hamburgers from Mom's Touch vs McDonald
14. [+64][-54] Crispy chips vs soft cookies
15. [+49][-43] Fried chicken with bones vs boneless
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