🎨🦀🍍 (Saito Fuyuka 18th October 2020 blog)

 こんにちは、こんばんは。// Hello, good evening

櫻坂46の齋藤冬優花です🐷🌸 // It's Sakurazaka46's Saito Fuyuka

今回のブログは、しーちゃんについて書きます!// In this blog, I will write about Shiichan!

『欅坂46 THE LAST LIVE』をもって、メンバーの佐藤詩織が欅坂46を卒業しました。// With the end of Keyakizaka last live, one of our members', Sato Shiori graduated from Keyakizaka46

櫻坂46に生まれ変わるタイミングでの決断でした。// It was a decision made at the right time to be reborn as Sakurazaka46

本来であれば、しーちゃんは今頃留学に行っている予定でしたが、偶然なのか必然なのか、、、こうして欅坂46の最後のステージに一緒に立ててよかったです。// Originally, Shiichan was supposed to have gone to study abroad by now, but whether it was a coincidence or inevitability, I'm glad we were able to stand together on Keyakizaka46's last stage like this

しーちゃんは昔からの親友のような存在でした。// Shiichan has always been like a close friend of mine

送迎車両が5年間同じだったり、楽屋の席がいつも隣だったり、なんだかずっと隣にいた気がします。// We shared the same shuttle car for 5 years, and we were always seated next to each other in the dressing room, I feel like we were always next to each other

そして、ずっと話していたし、ずっと笑っていました☺︎︎ // And we talked and laughed the whole time

3rdシングル『二人セゾン』でお互い初めてフロントになり、ポジションも隣で、それが今の関係になる大きなきっかけだったと思います。// In the third single "Futari Sezon", we both became front row for the first time, and our positions were right next to each other, which I think was the main reason why our relationship became what it is today

当時はお互い不安しかなくて、日々怯えていて、ネガティブな会話が多かった気がします💭 // At that time, we were both anxious and feel scared every day, and I think we had a lot of negative conversations

しーちゃんは活動が進むにつれ、だんだんと笑顔が増えていって、そうやって変わっていくしーちゃんを見ているのがとても幸せでした☺️// As our activities progressed, Shiichan gradually smiled more and more, and it was so happy to see her changing in that way 

ふーちゃんが一番おもしろい、ふーちゃんみたいな人と結婚したい、こうやっていつも私にとって嬉しい言葉をかけてくれていたので、私も勘違いしてしまいがちでしたが、しーちゃんのツボが浅すぎただけでした。🤭 // "Fuuchan is the funniest, I want to marry someone like Fuuchan", because this is how she always said things to me that made me happy, I tended to misunderstand, but it's just that Shiichan's taste for joke was too shallow

これから楽屋でここまで笑ってくれる人がいるかなと、少し不安です、、、笑 // I wonder if from now, there will be someone in the dressing room that could laugh this just?, so I feel a little worry.... lol

そんな自分にとって大切な存在の人が側にいなくなってしまうのは、正直本当に辛いし悲しいです。// To be honest, it's really hard and sad to lose someone who is so important to me

ですが、しーちゃんが決めたことなので精一杯応援します!// However, it's a decision that Shiichan has made, so I will support her as much as I can!

しーちゃんのこれからが楽しみで仕方ないです。// I can't wait to see what the future holds for Shiichan

大号泣後なので大号泣顔で失礼します、、、// This was after I bawled, so please excuse the bawling face

私も強くならなくては。// I also  have to be strong

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