Uemura Rina Interview (MARQUEE Vol.136)
Finally, the selection system was also introduced to Keyakizaka46. Uemura Rina became a selected member. In retrospect, 2019 was a turbulent year for Keyakizaka46. From August onward, Uemura Rina had begun serving as center for "Mou mori e kaerou ka?" and "Kimi wo mou sagasanai" in local performances in Miyagi, Kanagawa, Osaka and Fukuoka. Her performances were highly rated for their expressiveness. After such a summer, despite thinking that Uemura had surely gained more confidence, I was surprised by her low self-esteem in this interview. When she heard that the 9th single will have a selection system, her initial thought was "it's over." I listened to her perspective on 2ki’s emergence Hinatazaka46 activities, and what happened to Keyakizaka46 in 2019 after "Kuroi Hitsuji".
Introduction of Keyakizaka46's first selection system
Interviewer: What were your thoughts regarding a selection system being used for the 9th single?
Uemura: I thought “it’s finally come.” Before that, I was working along with all Keyakizaka46 members, so I felt a sense of crisis realizing “it’s just gonna be the ones selected out of us now.”
Interviewer: When you say ‘it finally came,’ did you feel that the result to come was more or less guaranteed?
Uemura: I was in the third row many times, and positions that I was barely chosen for, so the moment they said “17-person selection,” I thought “oh… it's already over for me.”
Interviewer: What made you think that you won't be in?
Uemura: They said it’ll be 17 members out of the 17 + 9 = 26 we have now. I was in the front row once and in the second row twice, but I’ve mostly been in the 3rd row, so I thought that I’d be “dropped.” But I was really surprised when I was called after around 3 people. Of course, I was happy, but at first I thought “There’s no way I’d ever be called.”
Interviewer: You weren't confident?
Uemura: Yes. The others are either members who are either regulars on radio programs or exclusive models. Personally, I don't have a regular job, and I'm not exactly in charge of variety (laughs). There’s nothing that stands out about me so, I thought that “I won't be chosen.’
Interviewer: When you were chosen, did you have feelings like ‘I have to do it well?’
Uemura: I did. I was already feeling anxious because 2ki was entering. So that I could be selected in the next one and the one after, I thought that “I must do my best.”
Interviewer: How do you view the selection system itself?
Uemura: Um... I figured the point was that there’s no feeling of value if it’s always every member being included. I've been in the third row many times, but I’ve never thought of it as “something to be expected.” I think that by experiencing various rows, I will understand the feelings of various people. Some of the members behind me would have feelings of “wanting to move to the front.” Everyone in the group have good relationships with each other, but we're often talking about things like “Is this fine if it stays the way it is?” But now 1ki has been separated and of course this saddens me. It’s something I feel very greatly.
Interviewer: Did you feel that a selection system is necessary?
Uemura: From the beginning every members has been involved, so we didn't do it like Nogizaka46-san or AKB48-san. But, wouldn't it be rude to 2ki if only all 1ki performed together? It's difficult. I'm in a very tight place (in the senbatsu), so I have mixed emotions about it. But now that 2ki entered, I think there will be more members who feel they must work harder.
Interviewer: Within yourself, what do you think was evaluated for you to remain in the selection?
Uemura: Eh… I’ve done nothing but what I already felt was natural, so even I’m not sure (laughs)
Interviewer: Perhaps the things you do with all your might were the ones they appreciated?
Uemura: If that was the case, I would be happy. I’ve been receiving more praise from the other members for my dancing.. During "Kuroi Hitsuji", we danced two people at a time. The way I danced in front of the members and Dancer-sans was similar to in an audition. They pointed out what I wasn’t able to do and what was done poorly. I was happy when suddenly the members said, "That was great!,” and was a bit shocked. I kinda thought “It’s not that I’m suddenly working hard, I've always worked hard.” Among the members who were watching, Fuu-chan (Saito Fuyuka) sent me a dance video to watch, and said something along the lines of “Rina, you became very good.”
Interviewer: The staff were looking intently, weren't they?
Uemura: I don’t like doing things improperly, so I thought “I'm glad I did it seriously.” Even at school, I was the type who gets high assessment when it comes to that kind of attitude. I do the cleaning properly and listen to people intently, and was never late nor absent. I thought “I'm glad that I had that kind of personality.”
Interviewer: Did it become difficult after the selection system?
Uemura: After all, it was before the tour. If I hadn’t been selected, I wouldn’t be able to perform the songs (that were released) before the selection. I thought that it would be really painful. And we had to do the tour while knowing this. It’s something that’s painful just seeing it, so seeing the others cry, I end up crying with them. I don't know what I should say to them. But, (our relationship) was not as awkward as I thought.
Realizing again, "We were in an insanely blessed environment".
Interviewer: The 9th single came quite a while after the last one.
Uemura: Certainly, the narration in "Keyakitte, Kakenai?" said there is a “new Keyakizaka46.” It said something like “the first senbatsu together with 2ki” so, I thought “this will definitely be a very important single.” I thought we must be able to reach a lot of people.
Interviewer: Rather than being a personal matter, it concerns the whole group.
Uemura: Yes. That's right.
Interviewer: When did you become aware of that?
Uemura: Around “Silent Majority,” I don’t remember what I was thinking (laughs). I was really desperate with what's in front of me that I spent my time not knowing anything. Basically, the first year was filled with turbulent days. I was thankful but I still don't know how to appreciate it. I never perceived it as “work.” There were no feeling like “this way I can make money, which allows me to eat.” It was my first audition and I was honestly really lucky to have passed.
Interviewer: Entering Keyakizaka46 so suddenly, you felt overwhelmed by the chaotic state of things, right?
Uemura: Ufufu.. I often hear stories from parents who objected, but my parents said, “we didn't think you were going to be on TV, so we didn't object.” I was in 1ki so I had no idea what kind of group I would be in or what will happen next.
Interviewer: Around when did you realize that you calmed down from such a state?
Uemura: It took me until the 3rd year to do it. (laughs)
Interviewer: So, it's just recently then.
Uemura: When I look at different idols, I thought again that, “we're in a very blessed environment.” Of course, I only look at Nogizaka-san. But when I look at other idols, I thought that “it’s only natural to be on a music show.” When Tokyo Dome was decided, I searched female idols who had performed there. I don't know whether the information was true or not, but such female idols did not appear on the Internet at all. I wanted to see live videos of other idols' Tokyo Dome performances, but only AKB-san and Nogizaka-san came up. I thought, there really are only a small number of people who have done it.
"Kuroi Hitsuji" for Uemura Rina
Interviewer: Looking back, I also want to ask about Kuroi Hitsuji's story. It had lyrics that resonate to our inner feelings.
Uemura: I thought, it's amazing again. The key is low too. I thought, “the chorus in particular is so relatable.” It's like the “White Sheep” is everyone, while the “Black Sheep” is like an outcast. But I thought the lyrics captured a feeling like “Isn’t everyone actually the black sheep? And the white is the odd one out?”
Interviewer: With that way of thinking, which one would Uemura-san be?
Uemura: I try to match with my surroundings, so I think I’m a white one. I’m not the kind of person who can speak out my opinion
Interviewer: Being involved in Keyakizaka46’s activity hasn’t changed you in many ways?
Uemura: Hm… It’s not like I’m doing this alone, so there are times when I hold back (laughs). It wouldn’t work if everyone says what they want to say. I think it’s going well because everyone has that awareness in their minds. Older members too, would talk like “let’s change this part, let’s fix it.”
Interviewer: You value cooperation, right?
Uemura: I don't think we can do it if we don't help each other. Because things don’t go the way we individually want them to.
Interviewer: Is there a part of you that holds back your feelings? Do you have any worries?
Uemura: Ah... there is. (laughs)
Interviewer: What do you do in such cases?
Uemura: I feel like I learned to do my best in my 2nd or 3rd year. Then, I look at other idols that I like and think “this person is really smiling but definitely has hidden painful feelings.” And I feel like I can get over my worries. Lately, what I’ve been thinking about is how we don’t perform many songs where we get to smile on music programs. But this is just an extreme example, we can still do it even when we are not feeling well. But idols who always smile would look scary when rehearsing the song with a straight look on their face. Moreover, in the actual performance, they have to smile 100% of the time. When you think about it that way, Keyakizaka expresses their songs with a strong look in their eyes without needing to force ourselves to smile. There are many more things that made me glad to be in Keyakizaka.
Interviewer: 2 minutes into Kuroi Hitsuji MV, the camera pans, moving up to the second floor. You were dressed in black and hugging a tattered plush bunny. Actually, your role was that of an underground idol who was not able to appear in the limelight. How did you act the part?
Uemura: I thought a bit about the feeling of being in the 3rd row. But even if I say that, I realize “I'm just grateful to be selected.” However, I could still feel the difference between the front members and myself.
Interviewer: How long have you been thinking about it?
Uemura: Perhaps from around the second single.(lol)
Interviewer: That hardship is overcome by working together?
Uemura: Naturally when I hear “I had a hard time at work” in fan letters or at handshake events, I realized “everyone has it difficult so I must do my best too.”
Interviewer: In the MV, was it something that came naturally when you tightly cuddled the stuffed animal?
Uemura: No, the director said it (laughs). He said “try to make it seem like you're scared.”
Interviewer: I thought that Uemura-san would play a more glamorous role, but in Kuroi Hitsuji, you did the opposite.
Uemura: It's like everyone was in despair.
Interviewer: What did you think when you were told that you were going to make an MV where everyone is “in despair”?
Uemura: ”I wonder if Keyaki is an idol group?” (laughs) I always wonder about that but “after all, if we don’t do it like Keyaki then we'll be buried by a lot of idols.”
Interviewer: Did you have the same thoughts from the beginning?
Uemura: Not really… (laughs). Because I admire Nogizaka-san. I like the clothes that idols wear but I cannot do that kind of behavior nor I'm good at it. In Keyabingo, I have a cute line but I'm not really good at that kind of thing. When I go to other idol's live performances, there are those that say those kinds of things as MC. I think to myself “Eh! You can do these kinds of things as an MC!”kinds of things as an MC!” and leads me to think "I'm glad I'm in Keyakizaka”. I think that’s the type of girls that are gathered in Keyaki.
Interviewer: As for Kuroi Hitsuji MV, you said that there were parts that overlapped with your past self. What do you think has changed most between the current Uemura-san and the past?
Uemura: In the first place, it's different when I'm on TV (laughs) I was the type that didn't stand out at all at school, and I only had about two friends. It's not a depressing matter, but I was an inconspicuous person.
2ki joining
Interviewer: In Kuroi Hitsuji, 2ki had not appeared in the MV yet, but then you started working together. Have the 2ki who came in communicated well since the beginning?
Uemura: At first, we didn't have many opportunities where we could meet. The closest would be while recording Keyakitte, Kakenai? It was during a rehearsal of alive that we started to meet regularly. They were supposed to fill in for the graduated members' positions. Having to change position myself, I thought”it was really a lot of trouble for them.” We'd been preparing for each single one by one at a gradual pace, but they have to learn all the singles in a short period of time. On top of that, they were given the graduated members' position, and I don’t know if they were happy about it.
Interviewer: Do you think that 2ki were conscious of what you were thinking?
Uemura: Yes. Before we danced together, there are several people who had already learned it, and we talked like “you already have it memorized?” When we are practicing dance, the 2kisei would be sitting at the back. Those who are included in the song enter, and those who are not sat down. I wondered if “is it okay for them, was it awkward for them while sitting?” When I asked them about it, there are those who gave answers like “I wanted to join for that song” and such. There are those who were Keyakizaka fans from before they joined.
Interviewer: Were you excited when 2ki came in?
Uemura: I was.
Interviewer: What excites you the most?
Uemura: Of course I thought about how there were more girls who are good at dancing now. They had participated in “Ambivalent” from the end of last year. At first, the 2ki auditioned amongst themselves. Of the nine, only 3 or 4 members were able to perform in “Ambivalent.” When we were practicing, I heard that "the good ones are chosen." I thought, it’s like experiencing a selection system right from the beginning, “They're stronger than us.”
Interviewer: Now that you've been working with 2ki, what does practice feels like?
Uemura: After all, I feel a little sad because “it's a different scenery,” but I think that “things have changed as time passed.”
Interviewer: What upset you the most?
Uemura: Definitely Neru-chan. She had an important position where she performed solo songs and had solo parts or poetry readings. I've been thinking about that and again, after her graduation, I realized “she is really great.”
Interviewer: Have you been able to recover from that?
Uemura: Her graduation was sudden, and she graduated before I could sort out my feelings. It’s like time has stopped for me, while the future continues to change. But I thought “I have to get used to this.” If I get sad at every little thing, it wouldn’t be good for the 2ki. But I think that it would be unreasonable to try to force myself to forget. After all, sAfter all, she was a member whom I spent more time with than I had with my family.
Hinatazaka46's breakthrough
Interviewer: Hiragana Keyakizaka46 debuted as Hinatazaka46. Is there any part of the activities of Hinatazaka46 that excite you?
Uemura: There is. This year, they released plenty of music and there were many opportunities to watch them on music programs. Sometimes I feel sad, thinking “I wonder if we are falling behind.”
A series of big performances
Interviewer: Budoukan in May, Conifer Forest (Keyaki Republic) in July, and Tokyo Dome in September. What did you feel about the lives and how was it different from the past?
Uemura: Everyone liked the livesso they were enthusiastic. It made everyone want to do their best.
Interviewer: Uemura-san served as center for "Kimi wo mou sagasanai" and "Mou mori e kaerou ka?" Is there any reaction to this progress?
Uemura: Let's see… Lately, there haven’t been any handshake meetings, so I want to directly hear the fan’s reactions. Of course, I'm happy with fan letters but, as expected, there is a bigger feeling when actually hearing it as is. “How was it?” remains a mystery to me. (laughs)
Interviewer: What was it like for you to be the Center?
Uemura: On the contrary, I thought “Maybe I can give courage to many people.” I'm someone who pretty much always has someone in front of me, but I could do it. It's like “everyone has a chance.”
Interviewer: It seems like Uemura-san has low self-esteem.
Uemura: Hehe
Interviewer: But from my perspective, you're a wonderful person.
Uemura: Eh... You think so?
Interviewer: It's true.
Uemura: You can either be superior or inferior, and you'll be told many different things. Then, you'll seem to be inferior as there are more people around you. Because I really like idols, I ended up comparing myself to them too much and found things that are not good about myself. Perhaps, because I like cute people, I find myself inferior. I didn't think about myself until I entered Keyaki.
Interviewer: But when you were center for the local performances, couldn't you hear the cheers in real-time?
Uemura: For those 2 songs, I couldn't hear the cheers because they were somewhat quiet songs. But, as I went out in front of the stage, I could see the faces of the fans. When it became dark, the fans' penlights looked good from the stage. When I saw that, “ahh… I'm getting nervous.”
Interviewer: At that time, how did the fans facial expressions look?
Uemura: Like they're watching over me. There were a lot of girls, so it looks like “It's going to be alright.”
Interviewer: That's good. They are watching over you. Did you gain confidence serving as Center?
Uemura: Confidence… more like experience. But... I'm not sure if I gained confidence.
Interviewer: You're being modest.
Uemura: No no, I'm not....
Interviewer: But you finished the local performances and the ones for Tokyo Dome. Don't you think you've grown?
Uemura: Hmm. I think you’ll grow stronger if there is an accident (laughs). I think that's what happened to everyone.
Interviewer: Since they’re not bothered by accidents anymore?
Uemura: So from fans, they’ll say, “It’s been a part of production from the beginning wasn’t it?” When that kind of fan letter comes, I get surprised. I thought “That's not true~” but, some people think so.
Interviewer: Certainly, if Tokyo Dome has 50,000 attendees then it is bound to have various interpretations.
Uemura: Was everyone really paying attention? (laughs)
Interviewer: I think they were!
Uemura: You really think so?
Interviewer: Are you worried that they weren’t paying attention?
Uemura: Of course I am. When I was given an opportunity to watch Nogizaka-san in Tokyo Dome, our seats were so far that we couldn’t see their faces, but even from that distance, I was drawn in. The direction of the production mapping was great too. Nogizaka-san also used carts, there was a feeling of “they're so close!” but we don't use things like that, so I think “I wonder if our fans are satisfied?”
Interviewer: Do you have feelings of wanting to ride those cart?
Uemura: I totally want to! But I think we don't have many songs that need it. I wanted to wave (to the fans) while walking on the walkway but, we need to dance there (laughs). The moment I look at the fans is the only moment (I feel that) “this is Keyakizaka46!”
Interviewer: On the Keyaki Republic stage, what was it like looking at the fans getting hit by water?
Uemura: At that time, it was still bright, so I could see the enjoyment on their faces. I thought “this is great.”
Interviewer: But you also wondered“are they having fun?” amidst the bad weather.
Uemura: It depends on how they feel, but there are not many songs that are “fun”. There are many songs that are cool or sympathizing, there are also those who cried from it. That’s why I think it’s different from “having fun.” When Hiragana-chan came to watch, they said “it looked like we were watching a movie,” so I thought “Ah, that’s how it feels.”
Interviewer: What did you think when you heard that it looked like a movie?
Uemura: While I’m doing it, either in rehearsal or the real thing, I can’t be objective about it and there’s no break, so I’ve never seen it from the outside. I’m always on the stage, so I don’t know how it looks from a distance. After the live show was finished, I got a DVD and from watching it I could learn that “oh this girl was moving like this” or “so the background looked like this.” Even meeting with the staff, they often told us that “the production was amazing.”
Interviewer: However, it is very important for Keyakizaka46 to have people like Uemura-san who is paying attention to the performance.
Uemura: I agree. “Let’s do it without making mistakes.” I think this for myself and everyone else. Because there are a lot of movements that must be shown as a whole, so it stands out when we make mistakes.
Interviewer: From your perspective, in 2019 what were the things that you were able to do?
Uemura: Eh... I became stronger. I guess, I didn't feel depressed. I think I get stronger every year.
Interviewer: Where did the feeling of becoming stronger come from?
Uemura: It was definitely when I stopped thinking of my own graduation.
Interviewer: What made you stop thinking of your graduation?
Uemura: Perhaps it’s because I think our activities are fun. I've been thinking about graduating but, this year, everyone talked about how “instead you feel like you don’t want to graduate, don’t you?”
Interviewer: Some people had graduated so there had been various changes.
Uemura: Looking at the graduated members, I felt that graduation is a very sad thing. I thought, “I don’t want to disappear from this place” and kept thinking about it.
Interviewer: You don't want your fans to feel sad?
Uemura: That's right. Though someday, that day might come. Up until now, I think that the graduated members have graduated because they could do something other than Keyakizaka. At the moment, I don't have anything to do aside from Keyakizaka so I don't want to graduate yet. The date and timing of graduating is something I think about.
Interviewer: If you're not thinking about graduation, how did you spend this past year?
Uemura: The members have gotten even closer, I spend more and more time with them when I'm off, as there are more and more invitations. Though basically we just go to Disneyland. About 6 or 7 people go, and we talk about how “we are together every day, but even during our day off we are still together.” We all got on the bus or train and it’s like “we are always together.” But I couldn't ride the jet coaster, so we lined up together and just before (they got on) I said “bye bye” and waited for them (laughs).
Interviewer: From your perspective, how has Keyakizaka46 changed?
Uemura: Keyakizaka has been something I can’t be without. It's scary to think about what comes after graduating. Personally I just think “I don't want anyone to graduate anymore.”
Interviewer: Have you always felt that way?
Uemura: Not really, this might be the first time.
Interviewer: That's a big change in 2019, isn't it?
Uemura: I wonder what had changed… all of a sudden, I started to think about it.
Interviewer: And 2020 is coming, any thoughts on what will happen?
Uemura: I wonder how it’ll be. Thinking about another selection is scary but, I think I want to perform together with everyone.
Interviewer: Does “together with everyone” mean that, regardless of having selection or not, it's everyone in Keyakizaka?
Uemura: Yes. After all, I’ve been with the 1ki members for 4 or 5 years. After being in a Senbatsu only situation, when I meet with everyone else now it’s like “how have you been?,” and I thought “ahh, so this is the way things are now…”
Interviewer: What are Uemura-san's personal goals?
Uemura: Perhaps when I got accepted in audition, my dream already came true. But I want to find something that I want to do. It’s not something that I want to do specifically after I graduate, but I want to act or sing. Ah! I would like to have a dome tour. We've been chasing Nogizaka-san's back and we've always admired them so I would like us to challenge a dome tour.
Translated by sunstrider
QC toomuchidea & fuyupz
Raw @ weibo
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