It's fascinating how Chen's relationship has never been reported by media outlets

naejongseok is EXO's personal gym trainer
mihee.xoxo is Chen's girlfriend
Jongdae is Chen's real name

naejongseok: I know it's late, but happy belated birthday to our Jongdae. Come home quickly, this hyung will treat you delicious foodㅋㅋㅋ
mihee.xoxo: Treat me food too... Stop adoring Jongdae and start adoring me too😢I'm jealous

mihee.xoxo: You're so healthy. I climbed up 2 floors today and I already ran out of breathe. 
naejongseok: You should work out with your boyfriendㅋㅋ
mihee.xoxo: Boyfriendㅋㅋㅋ What are you talking about

mihee.xoxo: I want to have #Lovestagram too... It itches me.

Why do I feel worn out even though I went home straight after work😤🤔🤔
Finally relieving stress and laughing a lot after a long time
I really love (this) cute song of EXO's 

'I get to watch a musical show again, thanks to Mihee'

She also went to EXO's concert with her acquaintances

A friend thanking Chen's GF because she got her a VIP spot in EXO's concert

She also posted a picture of the ticket to a musical show that Chen starred in

Chen's nickname is Pikachu 
The #JD in the hashtags is the initial of Chen's real name, Jongdae

This is just a screen-capture but you can hear Chen's voice in the video
Also Chen's initials in the hashtags

DJ = Dajeong-ie = Chen's nickname is Kim Dajeong
(NB: 다정/Dajeong means affectionate)

I saw this in the mall and it reminded me of my DJ. 
It's weekend and yet he's currently workingㅠㅠ I can't wait for him. I will spend this weekend nicely~~

I want to go on tours too... If I had the time, I would've gone on toursㅠㅠ
Please, I hope I can go...

_parkstar_: Who's Jongdae? #Idontknowwhoheis #Buthisfansareamazing #Happybirthday #Mybirthdayis815
mihee.xoxo: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt's Jongdae

A Chinese fan leaked the information that Chen and his GF went on a 10 days 9 nights trip to LA

Couple items

Chen spotted shopping jewelry for his GF

-I'm not a fan but I have always known that he has a GF...

-I found out in the comment section that Chen is getting married??? Hul...????

-Even non-fans know who she is...

-I had no idea Chen's GF was this famous among fans... 

-I don't know much about EXO but I knew that Chen has a GF who's a non-celebrity...

-Fans are sharing that flight information...? Isn't that illegal?

-They've been in a relationship for quite a long time...

-I heard that's not who Chen is marrying now. Are you sure it's her?

-I was curious so I looked up her name on the searching engine and she's really gorgeous...

-I got goosebumps all over my body after seeing that flight information. Sasaengs are crazy.

-How do fans even find out things like this...? Do they have their own forums for this type of thing or what?

-Isn't that his ex-GF? His current GF is not a celebrity...

-Swarovski... Good for them...

-I'm an akgae, I only stan one member and have no interest in the other members but I know this woman...

-I wonder why Dispatch didn't leak Chen's dating news when it's this obvious...

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