G-Dragon expresses his eccentric sense of fashion
Article: "This mustache and scarf will trend soon?" G-Dragon's updates since discharge
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+532, -37] I thought Big Bang's debut album would be worth more later so I kept it instead of selling it but now they're a criminal group and the album's worth sh*t so I threw it out ㅡㅡ
2. [+514, -63] He's just a bubble ㅋㅋ
3. [+469, -44] He looks dirty, like a homeless man who's wearing random things he found off the streets
4. [+50, -3] Yo, screw off ㅎㅎㅎ We have Yang Jun Il now
5. [+40, -5] Just another Yang Jun Il copycat...
6. [+38, -3] Your generation is over, this is now Yang Jun Il's generation
7. [+38, -0] Ever since he got out of the army, he's been acting like a tryhard middle schooler... oh wait, not the army, I meant the hospital..
8. [+35, -0] Please shave, you look dirty
9. [+32, -2] ㅋㅋㅋ I've never seen anyone dressed anything like GD on the streets ㅋㅋ as if anything's trending
10. [+27, -0] Jun Il oppa is here now, you can leave
11. [+25, -5] Now he just looks like Yang Jun Il ajusshi's knock off...
12. [+24, -1] Even at his age, he can't give up his tryhard antics...
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