NU'EST's Ren reveals he drank six protein shakes a day in prep for comeback
Article: NU'EST Ren, "I drank six protein shakes a day, gained cheek fat from excessive consumption"
Source: Newsen via Nate
"While preparing for the album, I drank six protein shakes a day to build up my body. The excessie consumption made me gain a lot of fat in my face. If you see me from the MV trailer to our jacket pictures, you can see my progress with me looking skinnier."
1. [+251, -3] Supplements should be taken as supplements, it's better to eat natural whole foods. Don't drink protein shakes more than twice a day.
2. [+244, -6] That's going to ruin his liver and organs
3. [+205, -4] You're going to ruin your liver... twice at most is best
4. [+21, -4] One scoop of protein has 24-27 grams of protein so if you take that six times a day along with other foods, you're consuming over 200 grams of protein a day... that's just crazy.
5. [+13, -0] You're going to ruin your organs..
6. [+12, -3] NU'EST Ren is so cool, fighting!!
7. [+11, -4] Hul handsome
8. [+7, -1] Well he's going to need to take 10 more at this rate
9. [+7, -0] You'll get sick if you eat too much protein
10. [+6, -2] Why is his agency letting himdrink all that? Even non-celebrities know that eating like that isn't healthy..
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