Jun Somi looks like a doll glammed up for the stage

Article: Jun Somi, can she really be this pretty? Beauty that could pass as a doll

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+462, -86] She can't push her looks for fame; I'm sorry but she doesn't have the type of looks that men are into; she needs to earn fame through her own skills. Don't come back out with another awkward song, actually work on raising your skills and then come back.

2. [+449, -29] Somi-ya... you're not going to make it as a solo ㅠㅠ

3. [+250, -14] Her agency doesn't even bother leaving positive media play comments for her;

4. [+42, -1] She's definitely a beauty but there's nothing about her that draws me in. She's young but looks like she's in her late twenties or early thirties, and she's not talented enough in either singing or dancing to earn the public's love that way. She doesn't have any personal style when it comes to composing or writing songs. She's exactly like Park Jin Young said, a side dish.

5. [+26, -1] She's young but looks old. Just another average face of a foreign woman. I'll take a pass.

6. [+25, -4] She's pretty but has no talent. She came out as a solo only to be buried by her own backdancers. How much more push does she need before she's able to put food on her own table?

7. [+24, -2] She just doesn't have any potential ㅋ

8. [+24, -1] I bet 10 cents on that she'll never make it

9. [+18, -1] No more solos

10. [+16, -5] I'll never understand people who find her pretty, she looks like Ida Daussy to me

11. [+16, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She turned down IOI thinking she could do better than them and now there are rumors of her going back because her solo isn't working out

12. [+16, -2] She really doesn't have a look that men are into; she doesn't have any Asian beauty in her and her features are too flashy and overbearing;


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