The rookie female idol who refers Infinite as 'old-idol'
Her statement is sparking a controversy right now.
1. That girl is a foreigner, it's completely normal for her to think so. She doesn't even know that DBSK used to have 5 members.
2. It is true that Infinite is an 'old-idol'. Stop the witch-hunt.
3. This is a variety show, it shouldn't be taken too seriously.
4. Inspirits always drag other idols down everytime they have the chance to (Which is completely false)
1. Infinite has been promoting a lot, they're currently on hiatus for now. But that female idol makes it sound as if Infinite has disbanded.
2. It's not right for her to treat the senior who is under the same company like that. Especially since he even makes a special guest on the show to support his junior.
3. Even if she's a foreigner, it's very thoughtless of her to talk in that manner to a senior who debuted 10 years before her.
4. Woolim is promoting Rocket Punch with the title 'Infinite's junior', so she's very thoughtless for speaking up about Infinite like that.
What do you guys think?
1. [+344][-26] What made Inspirits upset is not the fact that she referred Infinite as 'old-idol. She's Japanese, she may choose the wrong word to say since she's not fluent in Korean and Inspirits can totally understand that. But what she said can make some fans upset since some haters may start comparing Infinite to other groups for being 'old-idol' and stuffs.
2. [+265][-106] She has totally crossed the line. That was very impolite of her.
3. [+254][-45] Rocket Punch has two or three groups debuted before them from the same company. And that group they call 'Old-idol' spared some of his time to guest on that show only to support them~~ Why should he? When he's busy preparing for his concert and stuffs~~ Why should he? When he barely makes any guest appearance in a variety show?~~
4. [+98][-0] I'm not a fan of Inspirit, but she sounded very impolite and I can totally see why Inspirits are pissed of. I was very shocked when I found out about this on Twitter. Why did she have to drag Infinite like that? If you ask random strangers on the street, they would mention H.O.T, Sechs Kies, Fink.L, etc if you ask them about 'old-idols'. Not Infinite.
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