Former T-ara member Ahreum to get married next year

Article: Former T-ara member Han Ahreum to get married next February, "Fiance is an office worker"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,728, -107] The Hwayoung sisters totally ruined T-ara right around the time they were solidifying their new image ㅠㅠ I remember Ahreum was the member who received a text from one of them saying "stay quiet unless you want to be beat on the music show"...

2. [+719, -49] I remember she got owned by those twin b*tches

3. [+391, -17] She suffered a lot under the Ryu sisters before being kicked out from T-ara... I hope she is happier now

4. [+247, -31] Who is this..

5. [+180, -39] There was an Ahreum in T-ara?

6. [+59, -1] She's a victim of the whole thing, not sure why she's getting hate

7. [+42, -1] She's the biggest victim of the T-ara scandal. The Ryu twins and the other six should feel so sorry for her. She worked so hard to get into T-ara only for all that to happen. It doesn't matter who's at fault, they all did the maknae wrong.

8. [+41, -4] Thet wins: "I'll cut your face up"

9. [+34, -2] Her past of wearing make up like a ghost will never be erased

10. [+28, -2] I feel bad for her... She was threatened by the twins, basically lost 10 years of her life over that ordeal... T-ara may have had a very different future if she joined instead of Hwayoung...


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