Boo Seungkwan who lost more weight recently
These are screen-captures from the live broadcast that Seventeen did yesterday
He has always been thin, but this time it looks like he has completely lost the baby fat on his face
1. [+47][-1] Boo has indeed lost a lot of weight, especially when Seventeen is actively promoting. He said he was going on a diet so fans thought Seventeen was going to have a comeback soon, the next time he made an appearance it looks like he has lost 5kg from the last time he was seen, which is very surprising.
2. [+44][-2] I'm a Carat and he surprised me as well. I remember he was the thinnest during Boom Boom era, and it feels like he's back at that era again.
3. [+40][-3] He lost the fat that he didn't even have in the first placeㅜㅜ
4. [+22][-3] Hwang Minhyun and Boo Seungkwan somehow resemble each other in a very strange way that I can not explain.
5. [+17][-1] What's fascinating is that I can see Hwang Minhyun in him now. I guess that's the type of visual that Pledis is really intoㅋㅋ
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