The trainees who got the most screen times in the latest episode + Summary of Lee Jinwoo's screen time
may contain spoilers, read at your own risk
Esteem Ent. Yuri
Individual trainee Lee Eugene
Maroo Ent. Lee Jinwoo
-I can't help but start to dislike these three...
-I hate these three, especially Lee Jinwoo. I seriously don't understand why he wants to be a singer.
-I hate these and the Turtle Ship team except for Lee Jinhyuk...
-Lee Eugene doesn't suit to be put on this listㅋㅋㅋ
-What's Haenam?
-F*ck it, Haenam. Stop looking for your dad. I'm so sick of you acting all cutesy and stuffs.
-Cuteness doesn't get me weak anymore now. Give me the talented ones instead.
-I don't think this is all because of Mnet's evil editing. That's just how these guys actually behave.
-What's wrong with Yuri? Is it because of the center thing?
-Was Lee Jinwoo's screen time that bad...? All I could think about was how cute he was...
-I think Wonhyuk deserves to be on this list more than Yuri...
-Why is Yuri here? The problematic one here is Haenamㅋㅋㅋ
-Haenam, you failed me...
-I had no idea why I've been voting for Lee Jinwoo, fuck...
-Wonhyuk is so much more annoying than Yuri...
[The summery of Lee Jinwoo's screen time on the 7th episode]
I chose for Bolbbalgan's song but I think I can't sing it, hingㅠㅠ
I will be scolded by the national producers if I don't do well, hingㅠㅠ
Kim Wooseok is crying next to me, but I won't cry. If I cry, my parents would think that someone bullies me, hing.
And Haenam~~
And also looking for his dad.
-Haenam was so fucking cute, I admit that. But he got way more screen time than he deserves in this episode.
-This is not it. Cuteness doesn't get me weak anymore.
-Stop looking for your dad...
-Is he like... 11 years old?
-I guess he's trying to debut by pushing off the Haenam image...
-Stop that damned Haenam, for God's sake...
-If you're looking for your dad, he's at home watching you on TV. Go home, then.
-It would've been nice if he knew when to stop. It's way too much to handle.
-He's cute, but he's going overboard with it...
-Jinwoo-ya, I'm sorry. But you're not on my vote list anymore.
-Why the hell Mnet give kids like him more screen time?? What a fucking waste of time...
-He's a year older than the small Woojin we had in the Season 2...
-He's trying so hard... I'm starting to dislike him.
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