Seventeen's late airport arrival causes flight delay

Article: Passengers enraged at delayed flight departure due to Seventeen's late arrival "buy your own private jet"

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+882, -5] What an inconvenience....

2. [+763, -5] It pisses me off to see celebrities think they're such imporant people deserving of perks. Delaying a flight departure? And they covered their faces while slipping into business class? Jeez...

3. [+737, -11] Who are these nugus thinking they can abuse their power like this...

4. [+86, -1] Not even a 13 minute delay but an hour and a half ㅋㅋ amazing

5. [+73, -0] Celebrities think they're royalty or something

6. [+70, -0] Both Seventeen and the airline are crazy, an hour and a half? That's too much

7. [+67, -0] There's always a reason nugu ba$tards never make it

8. [+61, -0] Ugh, that's enraging!!!!! Having a flight delayed due to a Hollywood star would still piss me off but imagine because of some nugus!!!

9. [+53, -0] The airline is just at fault for not treating everyone equally and giving celebrities special perks

10. [+49, -0] Everyone's time is important. The passengers should sue the airline.


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