Matsuda Konoka Blog – “Fortnite Entry Deadline”
Good evening!
I am Kyoto-native Hinatazaka46’s Matsuda Konoka
Yesterday was Father’s Day!
Because I’m the type of person that gets embarrassed and is unable to express my gratitude directly, it’s helpful that I can use Father’s Day and Mother’s Day as a chance to do so lol
This year my older sister and I gave him a card and a present
Even though today we contact each other a lot with things like texts and LINEs, at these times I think it’s important to convey my feelings through my own handwriting.
My father keeps safely in his dresser the letters and pictures I gave to him as presents in the past. Sometimes we look back over them and laugh, and the whole family has a good time lol
I’m also enjoying reading everyone’s fan letters!
I’m the type that, when writing a letter, my characters become sloppy as I continue to write so when I find a similar person I’m happy lol
I feel like I’ve said it before but it’s ok!
Speaking of handwriting,
During elementary and middle school I would exchange notes with my friends, each time we change classes, I would file the notes I received into a friendship book, but I wonder if that’s still done now?
Ah, nostalgic~~~
I also collected stickers~~
It’s become a nostalgic story, lol
( ᐛ )٩و( ᐛ )٩و( ᐛ )٩و( ᐛ )٩و( ᐛ )٩
The deadline for entry into e-Sports’ Fortnite [tournament] is today, June 17 at 5:00 o’clock!
Yesterday evening, Kanemura, Nibu, Watanabe and I talked together and fought as a squad!!
It was so much fun~~~~
I’m looking forward to the e-Sports tournament
With that I’ll stop!
See you later ( ᐛ )٩
It’s a crime
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