Ha Yeon Soo's cranky personality earns heat once again
Article: "Crabby response" vs "Warranted"... Ha Yeon Soo, another SNS controversy
Source: Herald Pop via Nate
Ha Yeon Soo: I am selling this artwork of 'flowers and birds' that I worked on last year. It's a scroll that you can hang on the wall.
Comment: Did you make it yourself?
Ha Yeon Soo: It feels bitter that I'm getting this question over 500 times. I wish people would know by now... But yes. I've been drawing for 20 years.
1. [+1,570, -39] Ha Yeon Soo at it again.. Why does she always respond like this to fans asking genuine questions? They're not even haters. What is she a celebrity for;
2. [+1,357, -27] You would think her agency would ban her from SNS already. She's just way too sensitive and easy to anger. If a senior had asked her the same question, she's the type of person to respond like a loyal dog.
3. [+1,125, -30] She's crabby
4. [+182, -1] There was another one where a fan asked if she would be at an art exhibit and she replied like, "Whether I'm there or not is not important at all in the viewing of the exhibit." I'd feel hurt if I were her fan;
5. [+178, -2] She must've grown up thinking she's the victim in every situation.. she's the type that you don't want to keep around as a friend because it's exhausting...
6. [+154, -1] The question wasn't even aggressive ㅋㅋㅋㅋ talk about her true colors..
7. [+149, -1] And how the hell are we supposed to know that she's been drawing for 20 years?
8. [+120, -1] ㅋㅋㅋ She should not be on SNS if she doesn't want questions like this... what a personality.. ㅋㅋ
9. [+112, -2] You would think she would tone her temper down now that she's in her thirties...
10. [+111, -0] So if you decide to be her fan, are you supposed to study up on everything she's done in her life before asking questions? What a weird person.
11. [+105, -1] She's the type of person where if a grocery cashier asks "do you need plastic bags for that?" to reply with "well did you think I was going to carry all this myself?"
12. [+59, -0] She's like this because she's uneducated and lacks talent in her field. She has low self esteem with a complex so she takes it out on people who don't deserve it. If she really wants to be recognized for anything, she needs to study up and work on building herself from the inside out. Being recognized for things that you don't have to tell is what real talent is. And learn to be more humble.
13. [+43, -0] If that was her 500th question, you would think she'd be smart enough to edit her original post with the answer. Is she an attention wh*re or is she really that dumb? At least delete the post and re-upload it if you can't edit it.
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