Nagahama Neru blog: Budoukan
Budoukan, 344
Nagahama Neru2019.05.14
Good evening!
It's mid-May
And already totally warm.
May has a green image...
Days of the week have colours, too
And times and numbers also have colours.
I wonder if other people get the same feeling.
May 9-10-11
Were our Anniversary Lives at Budoukan.
They were over in a flash, but so much fun!
The stained glass pattern on the screen for the performance of
Kimi ga Inai
Was so pretty. I totally loved it.
During the song
My manager was watching from the wings
And when our eyes met, I got teary-eyed.
The first song was Abunakkashii Keikakku
And on the third day when the "Let's go!" came
I felt a welling up of feelings...
Without noticing it,
My heart was overflowing with bewilderment.
More than actually realizing the situation
It's like I have all along just been feeling sad that there is only so much time left.
I thought I actually realized... Lol.
The members have, as always, been so warm.
We laughed more than you could imagine.
I respect everyone from the bottom of my heart!
From the early days, I have been a Miyu oshi.
This photo makes my heart beat faster... A treasure...
And more than that, this Miyu is so cute!
To everyone who came,
To all of you who give your support,
To the entire Keyakizaka team,
Truly, thank you very much.
It was cracklingly fine!
The production and the lighting and the sound were so wonderful it was embarrassing....
The love of the costumers.
Cute, eh.
Thank you for reading.
Nagahama Neru
posted 2019.05.14 03:28h
Here are photos of Neru from the lives:
There is a committee calling for supporters to join them in making a celebration of Neru's graduation:
There was some thought that there might be a celebration at one of these lives. That didn't happen. The next opportunity will be at a handshake event: there are individual handshake events on June 2nd and 23rd, then on July 14th. That last date (Bastille Day) was mentioned previously as Neru's final event with Keyakizaka.
Neru's Them Song for 13 May: Imagine if/by gnash.
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