Hyun Bin styles airpods at the airport

Article: Hyun Bin 'an airpod pictorial in itself'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+762, -46] I guess airpods look weird even with Hyun Bin wearing them

2. [+599, -72] He didn't look like this before but the impression he gives off gets worse and worse..

3. [+489, -77] I don't see him positively anymore;;

4. [+81, -6] I wonder where his innocent looks during 'Ireland' went... He didn't look this pointed even as Kim Joo Won... not sure what changed, his eyebrows or his eyes;

5. [+79, -14] It's true, Hyun Bin's face has been changing... in a weird way

6. [+70, -7] I used to think he was the coolest actor (personally) but his impression has been changing for the worse lately.. he looks more crabby and sensitive.

7. [+58, -15] I'm a Hyun Bin super fan but he has been looking a bit more arrogant lately so it makes me uncomfortable... can't he go back to his Samshik days... ㅜ

8. [+53, -8] Airpods really are the worst technological design, they look bad even with a celebrity wearing them ㅋㅋ

9. [+46, -7] His face kind of looks like a skull

10. [+40, -3] I know no one is spared in the face of aging, and yeah, he's still handsome, but he doesn't have that fresh feeling he did before. He's been downhill for me ever since 'Secret Garden' in 2009...

11. [+40, -4] Let's try putting the airpods on Won Bin

12. [+39, -4] He used to have such a calm impression but it's been getting sharper and sharper by the day... hmmm


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