Actress Han Ji Sun strikes an elderly taxi driver + police
Article: Actress Han Ji Sun drunkenly assaults taxi driver + police... 5 million won fine + 1 year probation
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+2,336, -16] Jeez... what a mess
2. [+2,049, -36] Celebrities are just thugs
3. [+1,519, -46] I guess we should be grateful she didn't drink and drive. Imagine if she got behind the wheel with that temper.
4. [+73, -6] What a crazy b*tch, I hope she gets exiled from the industry
5. [+72, -0] Even a nugu b*tch like her acts like the world belongs to her, imagine how much worse Seungri must've been
6. [+64, -8] Talk about sh*tty character, do you beat your parents like that too?
7. [+51, -2] B*tches like her should be exiled so that she can never even dream of coming back to the industry~~
8. [+46, -4] Wow that's a nasty temper
9. [+34, -3] Her face just looks like she has a nasty temper
10. [+30, -3] Just another nugu acting nugu again
Article: Han Ji Sun assaults taxi driver in his sixties and police... will she leave her drama casting?
Source: News 24 via Naver
1. [+6,587, -37] She's a psycho ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what a hopeless b*tch
2. [+3,815, -14] And who's this nameless piece of trash..
3. [+1,991, -20] That's an exile from the industry
4. [+572, -14] Nugu?
5. [+346, -1] Why isn't she in jail for assaulting a police officer? And any crime committed under the influence of alcohol should be given harsher punishments, not easier ones.
6. [+289, -2] I just have no idea how anyone can hit anyone... an elderly, no less... It's definitely not something a normal person would do ㅠㅠ
7. [+236, -5] Leave her drama? You mean leave the industry... speechless!! Does she not have a father herself!!!
8. [+227, -1] If she's already acting like this as a nugu, imagine her temper if she ever gets to the top star rank... senior or fan, she'll treat them all beneath her...
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