The reason why idols' hair look nice despite all the bleaching and dyeing

They use hair straightener and hair essence

Apink's Bomi








Most of idols have very damaged hair, but they just straightens it out with straightener.
But it's actually not good for their hair as well..

-Hul... I see, I thought it was just me whose hair gets all damaged after the bleaching and hair dye..

-Idols spend a lot of money on hair care... That's how their hair endures all of it...

-What if it only gets worse and worse...? There wouldn't be any way besides chopping them off right?

-My idol's hair is all damaged, so she just chopped off her hair and has been using hair extention since then...

-It's so fascinating... Their hair looks like dog's fur then it suddenly becomes all silky and shiny...

-My scalp hurts just by looking at Bomi's hair...

-Yeah, and when it only gets worse they just chop off their hair and maybe use hair extentions..

-It's fascinating to know that hair straightener and hair essence do all those magic...

-I wonder what kind of hair essence they use...

-I don't think Tiffany dyes her hair that much...

-You can't avoid that if you bleach your hair...

-It looks like their hair is melting off...

-I'm really worried for my idol's hair...ㅠㅠㅠ

-Bomi's hair was heavily damaged that time, so she just cut it short afterwards...

-I hope my idol would stop dyeing her hair...ㅠㅠㅠ

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