Psy's new agency P Nation shares company family photos

Article: "Psy, Jessi, Hyuna, E'Dawn" P Nation family in one spot

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+860, -21] It's really a group of troublemakers ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+666, -33] E'Dawn and Hyuna have been looking brighter since moving to Psy's agency, they look happy

3. [+569, -29] They look happy

4. [+51, -3] The only celebrity deserving of hate are people like Seungri. These people are just trying their best in their industries, I don't get why people hate on their private lives.

5. [+43, -6] Psy looks the most normal out of all of them

6. [+29, -3] I can definitely tell the kind of image Psy is going for...

7. [+26, -2] E'Dawn looks the most human in these pictures out of everything I've seen...

8. [+22, -1] Good luck, everyone... dating's not a problem anymore, especially in this generation

9. [+21, -2] It's always the innocent, naive looking celebrities who backstab you in the end

10. [+18, -2] They look like they'd throw a mean concert~ a bunch of people who know how to party

11. [+16, -3] They really look like a family, they look good


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