Produce X 101 trainee who looks like Seo Kangjoon with Onew as the 'topping'

His eyes resemble Onew's but the outer side of his face(?) resembles Seo Kangjoon
There are a lot of people who think that he resembles Seo Kangjoon in an unnatural way

A netizen left a comment saying that if you shake your phone, you'll be able to see Seo Kangjoon in his face.
How about you guys try it by yourself?

He is Joo Changhwook from Woolim Ent, please remember him

-This is so freaking funny...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I tried to shake my phone just like how the OP suggested, f*ck...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Why did I shake my phone...?

-I'm reading this post from my laptop, so I just shake my head instead... @_@ I'm dizzy now...

-He doesn't look like Seo Kangjoon, but I think I know what the OP is trying to point out here...ㅋㅋㅋ

-He's just like... Onew's doppelganger...

-He looks f*cking like Onew...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I shook my phone and I saw Lee Wongeun in him...

-I thought that was really Onew in the first picture...

-It's real guys... If you shake your phone, you can see Seo Kangjoon...

-His eye colors remind me of Seo Kangjoon's...

-If you cover his eyes and nose you can see Seo Kangjoon...

-Is it possible that he's actually Onew's twin...??? If you compare them side by side, I think I wouldn't be able to tell them apart...

-He looks like the mixture of Onew and Park Sihoo...


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