Boy gropu MustB's manager passes away in early morning car accident

Article: Group MustB in a car accident today, manager who was driving passes away

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+472, -13] The accident was at 3:40 a.m.... seems like he fell asleep while driving. I wish agencies would stop working their celebrities so hard...

2. [+455, -11] I wonder if he was drowsy at the wheel.. what a shame. May he rest in peace.

3. [+387, -8] Sounds like he was working hard all day and fell asleep at the wheel.. rest in peace.

4. [+26, -0] There needs to be an investigation into the work conditions of managers. I feel like most of them are doing jobs meant for two people.

5. [+20, -0] What a shame, at such a young age ㅠㅠ

6. [+20, -3] Imagine how tired he was that he fell asleep at the wheel ㅜㅜ They're not even famous singers, there's no money to be made. Rest in peace. The agency's at fault for this, they should've known to switch off drivers.

7. [+19, -0] It was probably a result of a high pressure schedule and overwork. Remember Ladies Code? Agencies need to really knock it off.

8. [+15, -3] Just get rid of managers entirely! What are celebrities, royalty? Why is such labor required when they can do it themselves?

9. [+9, -1] ㅠ This is so sad ㅠ

10. [+9, -4] This is my first time hearing about this group and yet they're busy enough to be out on the road at 3 am... RIP.


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