Another woman comes forward claiming to have been assaulted on vacation with Seungri and Jung Jun Young's Katalk group

Article: '8 News' Seungri's group, r*ped a woman overseas... Choi Jonghoon and Jung Jun Young "She fainted"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

A woman 'A' recently came forward alleging that she and her friends had been invited to an international trip with Seungri, Roy Kim, Yoo In Seok, and more. A had not personally known the Katalk group members but went knowing that there would be a separate dorm for the women. "It was a dorm where the women could enter with a password without the men." The problem arise over dinner when A was at the men's dorm for dinner and drinks before losing consciousness. "I'm a strong drinker. I'm known for being able to hold my alcohol."

A's female friends put her down on the floor in the living room of the room next door but A was discovered on the bed of a different room the morning without her clothes. "I opened my eyes and my friend was mad at me, screaming at me to wake up. Apparently, she had been pinching me and hitting me for 30 minutes and I wouldn't get up."

It wasn't until the Katalk conversations were revealed recently that she realized what had happened to her.

Kim: [video attachment]
Choi Jonghoon: Why is it so short?
Kim: [video attachment]
Choi Jonghoon: What the, she's fainted
Kim: So what if she is
Jung Jun Young: You r*ped her ㅋㅋ

According to A, none of them apologized to her. When reported to the police, Kim had claimed that the intercourse was consensual, although the filming of it was illegal. Seungri's reps had said that it had happened so long ago that Seungri doesn't remember and isn't even aware of it.


1. [+2,402, -17] I'm not surprised anymore. So what about Seungri? Can we please get a report on why he isn't in jail yet?

2. [+1,844, -11] It makes me throw up to think that these s*x criminals had been on TV all this time acting like chic gentlemen. Even Jung Jun Young acted so mannerly on his show, I wonder how shocked Shin Se Kyung must feel when she was right by him the whole time?

3. [+1,671, -12] This is so gross... is there no law that permits castration?

4. [+52, -1] They should all be tested for aids. They're all going around doing it together, there's no way they're not diseased. And of course, I hope all the women involved file a lawsuit...

5. [+36, -2] I think trash would be cleaner than them at this point...

6. [+35, -0] I assumed Jung Jun Young was 4-dimensional when I saw him on TV but not this rotten to the core...

7. [+31, -1] So... wait... why isn't this Seungri ba$tard jailed yet?

8. [+27, -0] It keeps getting deeper and deeper but I'm not even surprised anymore. That's what makes this scary. I'm scared that everyone will forget about the atrocities these men have committed..

9. [+21, -1] Weren't there rumors about Seungri choking a Japanese woman before?

10. [+19, -0] These guys were raised in absolute messes of families


Source: Naver

1. [+2,233, -4] So if this happened in Seungri's Katlak room, why is only Jung Jun Young in jail?? What about Seungri? What is going on with our country's law system... it makes me feel empty

2. [+781, -5] Can we please throw our trash in the trash bin? Sigh

3. [+668, -13] It's because these uneducated men were born with pretty faces that they were able to become rich stars and act like they're kings of the world. Such disgusting and dirty beings. It's ridiculous to think that they still have enough money to live off of lavishly for the rest of their lives.

4. [+481, -9] I wouldn't be surprised if the next piece of news about them was murder... they're not human...

5. [+155, -11] I'm speechless

6. [+62, -2] The police are funnier in this case. She was obviously unconscious, how can they accept that it was consensual?

7. [+42, -0] What really is the reason Seungri isn't in jail yet?

8. [+34, -1] How can Seungri not remember whether there was a r*pe or not?? How often does this happen around him that something like this can't be remembered? We're not asking you to remember the side dish you ate at dinner a few years ago, man...


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