Yang Hyunsuk's Instagram update

'The producing of our maknae Lee Hi, whom I really adore and feeling guilty towards, is almost finished. I promise to give Lee Hi 2 comebacks in 2019!! Almost done'

-I won't believe him until her song is really released..

-I don't think this is the most important thing for you to take care of right now..

-He also promised the same thing to Blackpink in 2017 and 2018, and he didn't keep his promise. Who is he expecting to believe him this time..?

-F*ck, don't use Lee Hi to cover all the mess in your company right now..

-If he couldn't keep his words, he shouldn't have made the promise in the first place..

-Hyunsuk-ah, just let Hayi go.. You f*cker..

-You should give her 12 comebacks in a year, f*cker..

-Idiot.. It's not the time for him to go on his Instagram...

-Is he in his right mind..?

-'Lee Hi whom I really adore'..???

-Of course, it's easy to talk..

-I think Lee Hi needs to escape from YG as soon as possible..

-How long has it f*cking been since her last comeback..

-He's such an attention-seeker..

-Hayi-ya, can't you just escape from YG..?ㅠㅠ

-Promise..?? Pfft, are you kidding me?

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