What is your favorite Jennie's hairstyle?
1. Permed hairstyle
2. Half-up hairstyle
3. Hairbun
4. Tied up
5. Straight hair
6. Wave hairstyle
7. Pig tails
8. Braids
(go to original post for more pics)
-Half-up hairstyle for me!!
-The fourth one for me!
-She looks beautiful with any hairstyle..
-Jennie is my favorite..
-She looks beautiful in all of those hairstyles.. I can't choose one..
-Jennie is the best..
-She looks really cute with hairbun..
-I can't choose one..
-I like her with ponytail, pig-tails, and straight hair!!ㅠㅠ But if I really had to choose, it's the pig-tails..<3 She looks really adorable with that hairstyle..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Half-up and pig-tails..ㅜㅜ She looks really cute with pig-tails..
-She looks beautiful with any hairstyle.. But I'm not a big fan of her permed hair, though..
-Hairbun! It suits her round face shape really well..ㅜㅜ
-Jennie looks the best with straight hair..
-The second one.. She looks really lovely with that hairstyle..
-Straight hair with hairpins.. She looks really beautiful with that hairstyle..
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