Takemoto Yui x Tamura Hono Interview from RealSound (2nd March 2019)

In RealSound, we’ve interviewed 2nd generation Takemoto Yui and Tamura Hono. Before the『Omitatekai』, Takemoto and Tamura attracted attention when they performed 「Ambivalent」with the 1st generation in last year's『Utacon』. We talked about the backstage situation in the same program where they performed for the first time, the reason for the both of them to aim to become an idol, their feelings during the audition and their goals as member of Keyakizaka46. (Editorial Department)
I want to give someone else the same shock I felt when I watch Keyakizaka46 (Tamura)
ーーRegarding idols, around when was it that the two of you longed to become one?
Takemoto Yui(From now, Takemoto): For me, it was when I became a fan of Keyakizaka46. It was around the 3rd year of middle school but before that I never really had such an interest in idols. Rather than joining the『Sakamichi Joint Audition』because I wanted to become an idol, it’s probably closer to that I joined the audition because I love Keyakizaka46.
ーーAh so it was like that.
Takemoto: I think a lot of people receive motivation from the debut single 「Silent Majority」but I came to like them through their next single「Sekai wa Ai Shika Nai」. Of course I knew of 「Silent Majority」but when I watched in『AKB48 SHOW!』their performance of「Sekai ni wa Ai Shika Nai」resonated with me. I like it so much that I had a habit of watching that video before going to school. From there I came to check out other programs and gradually became their fan.
Tamura Hono(From now, Tamura)For me, my trigger was when I watched AKB when I was at elementary school. They were brightly shining. They were doing it with all their might. The feeling of them giving it their all got conveyed and just by looking at that made you energized. From there I've been supporting Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46 since their debut. The first time I saw the performance of「Silent Majority」in『Music Station』I received an impact unlike any of the other idols I've seen before.
ーーThe thing that made you think to become an idol?
Tamura: I did like it but I actually didn’t really think of being one. But during the audition for the 2nd generation of Hiragana (Now Hinatazaka46), my friend who likes idols too said “Why don’t you try to audition?” and so I applied just before the deadline. And then, I passed until the 2nd screening, the notification for the 3rd screening should have arrived but I only found it a day after the 3rd screening (bitter laugh). There was actually a call(from the office) but it was a number that I didn’t recognize so I didn’t pick it up (laughs). And so I told myself, “You really don’t have any dream to become an idol”
ーーFrom there why did you think to apply for the『Sakamichi Joint Audition』?
Tamura: Last year in spring there was a seminar for『Sakamichi Joint Audition』 I knew that my Nogizaka46 oshimen Saito Asuka and Yoda Yuki will be there and that it will be limited to females and that I could meet them for free. I have no choice but to go right? (laughs) And so I went there casually, I was hesitant whether to I should continue to apply or not. But thinking that I want to give someone else the same shock I felt when I watch Keyakizaka46, the feeling of being cuddled by someone, I decided to do my best.
Keyakizaka46 is the the presence that changed me (Takemoto)
ーーFor both of you, which part of Keyakizaka46 struck you?
Takemoto: When I hear idol I think of cute and beautiful but for Keyakizaka46, more than that there's a strong feeling of「I want to convey this song」. I think in variety shows there's also a lot of idol-like and Kyun moments but in music programs, when I see Keyakizaka46, I feel like they give a lot of emphasis in relaying the song as an artist so I think that is where I got struck.
Tamura: It's the same as what Yui chan said, they're really a group that has a strong feelings of「Relay the song, relay the lyrics」. Our senpais have also said it, it's not just about saying「Do their best」and cheer on someone, but with the song and lyrics that closely resembles that person's heart, they touch that dark part of a living person's heart. The idols up to now seem to hide that part of us but on other hand, Keyakizaka46 slowly reveals that part. I think that’s it is what is ‘Keyakizaka46-like’.
ーーI see. What are your favorite songs, the one that resonated the most with yourselves now?
Takemoto: For me, my favorite song is 「Mou Mori e Kaerou Ka?」. Originally I'm drawn to roundabout lyrics but when I saw this during the mini live during my first National Handshake, the second chorus where they danced a lot gave me goosebumps. From then, I have always loved this song.
Tamura: For me, 「Hiraishin」. It may be the same with Yui chan but I also got goosebumps during the first time I saw 「Hiraishin」in person during the mini live in the National Handshakes. They’ve perfectly created their own worldview, it was as if it was a movie. The worldview of 「Hiraishin」and「Mou Mori e Kaerou Ka?」is a bit similar, somewhat smoky……Do you understand?
Takemoto: Yes
Tamura: They have an image of being engulfed by fog. I do think it is related to the impression on the MV but that kind of worldview’s melody, lyrics and dance, I love all of it.
ーーWell then, it was during the first time you saw their performance in person during the National Handshakes, right?
Both: Yes
Takemoto: Before the members appeared, starting from「Overture」, even I myself got surprised by how much excitement I got. I couldn’t believe I was able to show such expressions, having goosebumps and non-stop trembling. It was my first time to know such a side to myself so Keyakizaka46 is also the presence that changed me.
ーーTamura san as well, you were nodding a lot right?
Tamura: Yes. Because Keyakizaka46’s「Overture」is the number 1 in the world. The part where the fans shout「Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh!」, just by imagining it, I had goosebumps.
Takemoto: I had goosebumps talking about it just now. (laughs)
With the 2nd gens, no matter who you are with there is no sense of discomfort「A Comfortable Relationship」(Takemoto)
ーーPlease let us hear about the audition period. While advancing step by step during the screening, what kind of motivation did you have to face it?
Tamura: Because I really love Keyakizaka46, of course I had a feeling of「I want to be a member」but as the screenings progressed there was a sudden worry of「Oh my! What should I do?」
Takemoto: I have been raised by my parents to 「properly do your studies」, but the reason that I came to apply for this is audition is because while the people around me had already decided on their course, I was not able to until the end. Then, I tried applying for the audition, as I progressed in the screenings, I worried,「I have always tried my best in studying. If I pass like this, I wonder how my parents would think?」But, during the break I listened to Keyakizaka46’s songs so the more I listen to it I thought,「I’ll try a bit more, I’ll do my best a little bit more!!」I changed my mind and proceeded until the end.
ーーEven then, your back got pushed by Keyakizaka46
Takemoto: Yes, that’s true. The more I listen to their songs, it made me think that I really want to perform with this group.
ーーWell then, during the final screening what were your feelings when you passed?
Takemoto: Honestly, there really wasn’t any emotion swelling up. I did think that it wasn’t real but I also didn’t feel that I was really happy about it. During that time, our affiliated group wasn’t decided so maybe that’s why there was no emotions that came out.
Tamura: I also didn’t really know how it will be….. I still couldn’t believe it. I think my head became blank and I was spacing out. (laughs)
Takemoto: Those who passed were to stand on the stage but I don’t have any memory of it.
Tamura: There were a lot of people in front of us.
Takemoto: I do remember the MC talking and the lights flashing……
ーーSo for the two of you when was the time you finally realized「I did pass! I'm really entering this world!」?
Takemoto: Even now, I still can’t believe it. Even now it still feels strange when I write「Keyakizaka46’s Takemoto Yui」but ever since it has been decided that I will be in Keyakizaka46, I think I may have been able to sort out my feelings little by little.
Tamura: Yeah, that’s true.
ーーWere the 2nd generation members able to become close right away?
Takemoto: It was quite fast right?
Tamura: Yes, since the affiliations were decided and we met each other we were already in high spirits going, 「Yaaay!」(laughs)
Takemoto: Regarding our distance, no matter who we are with there is no sense of discomfort, you know. It’s not that it’s fixed, everyone is there in their own pace. Everyone can be alone when they want to be alone. We don’t mind who we go out with. It’s an easy relationship.
Tamura: I think everyone thinks the same.
ーーBy age, the oldest and youngest is 7 years apart but you don't feel that gap.
Tamura: I think everyone’s mental age is the same. (laughs) That is why, I will try my best to become an older sister.
Takemoto: The 20s group of the 2nd generation(Seki Yumiko, Tamura, Matsudaira Riko)are light and fluffy while our youngest (Yamasaki Ten) is the one that crashes with the heaviest impact(laughs)。
The first performance together with the 1st gen「A day filed with tears because of their kindness」(Tamura)
ーーThe 2nd generation had an『Omitatekai』 held in Nippon Budokan(2018/12/10). Although before that both you performed with the 1st generation in 『Utacon』(NHK/2018/12/04 broadcast) Standing on the same stage with the people you admired, what kind of state of mind did you have?
Takemoto: I remember just now but, seriously…
Tamura: Whenever I talk about this, it always makes me want to cry. (bitter smile)
Takemoto: During 『Utacon』, it was Hono chan, Matsuda Rina chan and I who got selected to perform. Since the day we got selected until after the broadcast was done, during that period I feel like I cried everyday.
Tamura: Yes, I cried the entire time.
Takemoto: If I’m asked what kind of tears it was, the reason is…. it definitely was「I’m sorry」kind of feeling that was strong.
Tamura: Something like「I’m sorry for entering here」
Takemoto: I thought, with us entering here, wouldn’t the current Keyakizaka46 be destroyed?
And it was immediately after the affiliations were announced, if I were to look at it from a fan’s perspective I would go「Who is that?」. Because I know that「Ambivalent」is a song that our senpais created with a lot of thought to it, I thought it would not be good to have something that seems out of place. That is what I feared the most. After the first lesson with had with the 1st gen san, everyone’s tears wouldn’t stop.
Tamura: It was not something like “this part would be better like this” or something like that, but it was a problem with regard to presence. Wouldn’t it be bad if I was here? Because we haven’t even properly talked to the 1st gens, that makes it all the more…..
ーーBoth of you have strong feelings towards Keyakizaka46. You also understand the feelings of the fans. But I actually saw it on TV, there was no sense of you being out of place. Midway I noticed that the 2nd gens were also there. It was probably because I was overwhelmed by how high level it was.
Takemoto: Thank you very much. But the 1st gens talked with us a lot before the actual performance and we were probably able to relax a bit. Because we felt uneasy whether we will be accepted by the 1st gens or not so if they didn’t talk to us I think we probably wouldn’t have been able to perform at 100%. From the standby until before the song started, they continuously patted our backs.
Tamura: Without it, it probably would have been impossible.
Takemoto: That is why I think it really was all thanks to our senpais. The ones beside me was Nagahama Neru san and Sugai Yuuka san and at my back was Moriya Akane san. Everyone did that for me all throughout. It was really calming and I’m grateful.
Tamura: For me as well, in the dressing room. Saito Fuyuka san and Uemura Rina san who were sitting from afar reached out to me and said「Come sit here」. From there, they asked me「What made you want to enter Keyakizaka46?」. They took the initiative to talk to me, I cried a lot because of that kindness (laughs)
Takemoto: Before the actual performance, all the 2nd gen had to get their make up redone (laughs)
Tamura: But because of that we were able to perform while feeling,「They’re so thoughtful of us so we definitely have to do our best!」During the standby, Yonetani Nanami san who was next to me tapped my knee and said, 「Let’s do our best okay?」. Nagahama Neru san also intentionally looked back and told me,「Let’s do our best!」. I thought,「I definitely have to do this!」And so after it was done, I cried a lot again (laughs). Then Moriya san went, 「Staff san, tissue please!」and wiped my tears.
Takemoto: I got told,「You’ve worked hard, right? Thank you!」and then I cried again.(laughs)
Tamura: It was a day where we cried because of their kindness.
There is no point if we don’t take with us the experiences we had with the senpais (Takemoto)
ーーWith the experience from「Ambivalent」as a cushion, you were able to have some leeway during the Omitatekai right?
Tamura: Yes. It was really fun! (laughs)
Takemoto: It was the first stage for the others. Everyone was so nervous that they seem like they were about to cry but the 3 of us were like….
Both: (At the same time)「Oshaaaa!」(laughs)
Takemoto: When we heard the voices of the audience, we were like 「Yosha, here it comes! let’s go!」The difference in the tension of the others was a lot (laughs)
Tamura: Because when we heard the「Overture」that was for us……
Takemoto: That’s right! I was really moved by it……Ah, I’m having goosebumps again talking about it. (laughs)
ーーIt was the first time the new members did a performance. Isn’t there a different feeling compared to performing with your senpais?
Takemoto: Yes, that’s right. Our confidence were entirely different.
Tamura: Yes. The amount of practice as well.
Takemoto: Especially because we practiced for the Omitatekai 1 month before so the sense of excitement was strong.
Tamura: But during the rehearsals just before the Omitatekai, we got told「The previous performance was better」,「Your movements are slow」. It was really disappointing. The 3 of us who had experience in 「Ambivalent」should have taken the initiative, but I regret that we weren’t able to do anything.
Takemoto: It was unfortunate, right?
Tamura: And then we talked,「From now, let’s speak out even more」
Takemoto: We were able to experience various emotions from performing「Ambivalent」, but the members who weren’t selected must have had a lot of worries. We were supposed to be the representatives after having those experiences, but if we were not able to take home with us the experience we had with the senpais then there was no meaning to it.
Tamrua: They told us that right? That we became a bit stronger?
Takemoto: Mentally, a little bit. (laughs)
ーーHaving that awareness, you’ve become closer to becoming a full fledged member, right?
Tamura: But when we saw, 「Kuroi Hitsuji」we lost our confidence (bitter laugh)
Takemoto: Yeah, everyone did (bitter laugh)
With「Kuroi Hitsuji」I got reminded again of how great Keyakizaka46 is.(Tamura)
ーーJust as「Kuroi Hitsuji」has become a hot topic, it’s a bit sudden but can you let us know your impressions on the song?
Tamura: It’s really difficult to put this song into words. I became quite pained as I watched the MV for「Kuroi Hitsuji」. The songs up to now had an impression of being strong but this time we were shown weakness. But in the lyrics in〈I definitely don’t want to become a white sheep〉You could see a strength of being true to yourself.
ーーI see.
Tamura: But it was really hard to watch the MV……I watched it with my mother but my mother cried a lot. She said,「I wonder what is the meaning of these tears?」From there, we talked a lot about the song. But for sure because it showed the the pain and hardships of their own experiences. Maybe that is why it was painful. On top of that, it was as if everyone was not acting. It was as if they were really feeling the sadness and pain of that person…. The greatness of the 1st gen, the greatness of Keyakizaka46, I once again came to know it.
Takemoto: I, too, after I watched the MV one time, there was such a big suffering that entered my heart that made me waver「What should I do……」. When I was watching, all the painful memories I had experienced seemed to have momentarily resurrected, you know. It was as Hono chan said, it was because the 1st gens didn’t seem like they were acting. Having watched Keyakizaka46 up to now, I thought to myself「I need to give importance to my expressions」I thought I wanted to apply my expressions in the performances that I give but after watching that MV, I thought that's not the only thing.
ーーAnd what is that?
Takemoto: It wasn't just expressions, I think they were simply expressing the pain they've experienced this past 3 and half years as it is. I think that might be called as expression but for me, I think rather than an expression, it was just naturally shown. Seeing that I thought, from now I'll be experiencing a lot of things but during that time, if I show my emotion at that moment and even though I didn't think to express it, I'm sure it will be relayed. That's where my thoughts towards the group Keyakizaka46 changed. Also, isn't there a choreography where they are hugging and pushing each other? I don't know exactly the meaning of it. I wondered what that hug meant. I'm sure that each person will have a different opinion on what that hug means. My mother said she somehow knows what that hug meant so that is why, I want to know more of that meaning.
ーーAnd with that it's the Keyakizaka46-ness that calls out different kinds of emotions. Everyone from the 2nd gens haven't participated in the songs but you participated in the「Keyakizaka46 2nd generation members special video」that is in the Type D of this single.
Takemoto: Actually, I haven't seen the completed version yet. But the content have a lot of members talking with each other and member drawing out the another member’s (personality), so it was quite easy to shoot .
Tamura: I still can't imagine how it will be but I'm looking forward to watching it.
ーーI think you will be experiencing a lot of things from now on but as a member of Keyakizaka46, how would you proceed? Please let us hear your goals.
Takemoto: When I got to perform「Ambivalent」I became aware of the things that I lacked. I was able to see up close how the senpais thought about this song so I think of not just dancing but putting out something more from myself. My goal is not just adding expressions to my dance but actually being able showing what I really feel inside each time I perform.
Tamura: First off, as an idol I want to become someone who can be accepted as a member of Keyakizaka46. I think from now we will have a lot of kinds of work but I think if I have not yet perfected myself as a part of Keyakizaka46 then whatever I do it's not good. If I am able to do that from the start then I think maybe I can become a strength for Keyakizaka46.
source (and more pictures!)
translated by ariadne32391
QC by tmi
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