Somi finds a Naver blog with IOI fanfics
Naver blog 'With Lovelyz'
- [Shortstory] Nayoung x Doyeon's heat
- [Shortstory] IOI's summer vacation 2
- [Shortstory] Chungha x Somi's rebellion
- [Shortstory] IOI's summer vacation
- [Shortstory] Chaeyeon x Yoojung x Somi's exam study
Pann: Jun Somi reads her fanfics
1. [+145, -0] The content is like this...
Chungha started spanking Somi's butt, leaving red marks on Somi's butt.
Somi: "Unnie... I'm at fault..."
Spank, spank, spank, spank
Chungha: "Now that I'm punishing you, you're admitting it?"
2. [+94, -4] Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But since she doesn't know anything like this, I'm sure she just laughed.
3. [+93, -2] Ugh ㅠㅠ Can people stop writing fanfics? I'm sure my bias group also read theirs.
4. [+59, -0] The fanfics are poorly written, too. I thought they were written by a young girl but it's actually a male adult...
5. [+33, -0] Ugh, if they're going to write fanfics, they should write it well. They didn't even bother to exclude it from search.
6. [+23, -0] Somi isn't even my bias but it made my heart drop. Things like this are so dirty. But why is the name of the blog my bias, though?
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