Kim Jung Hoon's ex-girlfriend vows to get paternity test for her baby
Article: Kim Jung Hoon's ex-girlfriend, "I got pregnant during the relationship... I will get a paternity test for the baby"
Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver
1. [+581, -33] I feel sad for the woman but also frustrated. Does she think the baby will be happy if she gives birth to it without the ability to care for it on her own? I understand her wanting to get revenge on a man who has been so irresponsible towards her but if she's in a position where she needs his child support checks to care for the baby, then I think she needs to make a more realistic decision here. A baby is not a pawn in a trade, it needs to be viewed as love.
2. [+265, -7] What's the point in giving birth to this baby anymore... sigh... A baby is something precious that should be born into a world full of love and blessings. Instead, even before it's born... this is just so wrong.
3. [+139, -15] I don't even get why he's accusing her of the baby not being his when she got pregnant while they were still dating. Is he trying to make her out to be sl*tty?
4. [+95, -17] They really should've used protection, both of them. They're old enough to know better. Please just resolve this among you two.
5. [+50, -5] She doesn't even have enough money to get her own apartment so why is she trying to have this baby?? The man's trash but the woman is weird too~
6. [+40, -4] She can't even afford a place to keep a roof over her own ahead, exactly how does she expect to raise her baby too?
7. [+38, -5] Where has she lived all this time if she doesn't have a place of her own? Sigh... I'd be more understanding if she tried to make it out on her own and was requesting child support afterwards, but like this?...
8. [+33, -0] Just seems like another relationship of misunderstandings where the woman assumed they'd be getting married and the man had other ideas..
9. [+41, -9] Why is she trying to have this baby when neither parties agreed to it? Both of them failed to use protection and neither party wants it, wouldn't the sane decision be to just not have it? She's really trying to hold him down..
10. [+27, -0] At this point, neither party comes out of this relationship clean.. The woman will have a difficult life ahead of her as a single mother and Kim Jung Hoon's career had been reliant on his image, which is gone now.. That poor baby inside the womb.. If only the adults had been more careful..
Source: Nate
1. [+1,580, -75] He really tried to make his ex seem like a sl*t ㅋ does he think that will help his image at all?
2. [+1,487, -66] The fact that she's only suing him for the deposit fee for a new place doesn't seem like she's doing this for the money. If you got her pregnant, you need to take responsibility for it.
3. [+1,312, -46] He's already pathetic for lying on that show saying he hasn't been in a relationship for the past few years
4. [+152, -3] I'd be so devastated if I were her. Imagine being in love and creating a baby together and then him ghosting you and only stepping up to take responsibility if paternity tests prove the baby is his... Isn't that killing her twice? They're old enough to know better, at least use protection if this isn't the outcome he wanted...
5. [+131, -5] I think the woman would've aborted the baby already if she was a kkot-baem and only in this for the money. I think her pregnancy is already past the point of abortion anyway. What kind of kkot-baem is willing to live the rest of her life as a single mother just for the money ㅋㅋ
6. [+126, -2] His true colors already showed when he said "if the child is mine"... If that woman was a kkot-baem using a child who isn't even yours just to get money out of you, do you think she'd be suing you for such a paltry amount?
7. [+105, -3] He's total trash for breaking up with her even after knowing about the pregnancy. Whether they chose to abort it or not, he should've saw it through before breaking up with her... Did he not think she was going to come forward with this to the media sooner or later???
8. [+60, -3] I understand the woman is feeling super pissed over him right now but I think she should consider her future right now too. The fact that she's willing to give birth to the child of this man and sacrifice her future for the baby doesn't seem like she's a kkot-baem or anyone selfish.
9. [+43, -2] Can all of you stop telling her to get an abortion, she's already full term. Do you really think abortion is something you spit out onto a piece of tissue and throw away?
10. [+43, -2] I feel the worst for the baby. Born to parents who never wanted it, embroiled in lawsuit after lawsuit... if only he was born to parents who loved him!!!
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