Inoue Rina x Morita Hikaru Interview from Billboard Japan (27th February 2019)
I am worried if we will be accepted
―― Please tell me about the relationship between you two. You two are in a different grade, but both of you are born in 2001 right?
Inoue: I think that Runrun (Morita) is the first member I became close with after being assigned to Keyakizaka46
Morita:Inoue only just turned 18th on 29th of January, and that time I realized once again that she is a year above me. Until then we were both the same age.
―― Did something happened that made you become close?
Morita: Back when I attended from Fukuoka, I have always stayed in a hotel, and that time we went out for dinner together. I think that’s where we started getting close.
―― Other than that, is there a member who left a big impression?
Inoue:Well it would definitely be the youngest member, Yamasaki Ten. When I was in middle school, I wasn’t that mature, she has guts too. But the childishness she occasionally shows is really cute, everyone loves her. During interviews like this, her choice of words, words that she uses are mature, I thought “She’s still in 1st year of middle school, but why is she using such words?”
Morita:I have already spoken a little with Matsuda Rina before our assignment were decided, since we are assigned in the same group now I want us to be better friends. I also often talk about our hometown with Seki Yumiko, who also came from Fukuoka.
―― Well then, please tell us the reason why you two joined the Sakamichi Joint Audition.
Inoue:I have always liked various kind of idols since I was a child, I tried once during elementary school, unfortunately I couldn’t become one. Then till high school, I have not once thought of becoming an idol, but after becoming a 3rd year when I was writing for my career path, the thought of “I actually really want to become an idol” gradually became bigger, and just around that time of summer the Sakamichi Joint Audition was announced, so I decided to apply immediately.
―― Did something happened that push that?
Inoue:My friends was my biggest influence. They were the people I met in high school, they were friends that worked hard for their dreams, and others that went abroad to do something, I had many friends who inspired me. Because of that I also want a dream of my own, I want my life to shine like my friends and idols.
―― I think it’s wonderful that one of your dreams came true. What about Morita-san?
Morita:I originally loved the Sakamichi groups, and I often watched videos of live performances, and I admired seeing them receiving warm cheers and calls from their fans. Also, I love Nishino Nanase, she appeared on the first Sakamichi Joint Audition CM I watched. I was captivated by the tagline of “Your life will change this Summer” and so I applied.
―― Does that mean you were looking for something that could excite or change your life?
Morita:I hate doing the same thing everyday. I wasn’t very fond of school too, I was also doing part time job after school, and it was… maybe you can say it tired me up. I worked as a cashier in my part time job, and when school is on vacation I would work for more than 10 hours, and sometimes I would get complaints, at that time I thought “What am I doing this for?” (laughs)
―― With the 2 of you liking Sakamichi groups from the start, what were your thoughts when you were assigned to Keyakizaka?
Inoue:When they told us our assignment, the truth is the realization that I have passed haven’t sunk it yet, I still thought that I was just dreaming. Even after finishing Omitatekai, that dream-like feeling didn’t disappear. But, I always thought that I wanted to enter Keyakizaka46, so I felt very happy about it. But in Keyakizaka, it took 3 years till the 2nd gen members to enter, it has taken more time compared to other groups, right? So I was worried if the fans and 1st gen members will accept us.
―― Why did you want to enter Keyakizaka46?
Inoue: I love their lyrics. I also think that their performance and such are different from other idols fascinating. I thought that I also wanted to be a cool like them, I thought that by entering this group, I would be inspired in many different ways.
―― I see. And what did Morita-san think of when you heard of the assignment?
Morita:Before the assignment was decided, I was told by the other members (people who passed the audition) and people around me that my face type suits Nogizaka46 or Hiragana Keyakizaka46 (Now Hinatazaka46). Moreover, Keyakizaka46 has many tall members. That’s why I didn’t think that I will be sorted into Keyakizaka46, and it surprised me a little. After the assignment was decided, like what Inoue has said, I was quite worried whether the 1st gen members who have been working so far will accept us.
―― So you two indeed worry and feel anxiety whether you will be accepted as a member for Keyakizaka46 or not. At the Omitatekai that happened last December, you stood in front of the audience on the stage of Nippon Budokan, where there any changes that you felt before and after omitatekai?
Inoue:To be honest, even after the Omitatekai, worrying about whether we’ll be accepted or not did not disappear. But that did not stop me, the positive feeling of “I’m going to work harder from now on” has grown. At the handshake event, fans told me that they are glad, it made me really happy, I thought that I must work harder for the people who are supporting me.
Morita:2nd gen’s first live performance and handshake event was held at the Omitatekai, and we were able to meet the fans directly there too, it made me very happy that fans warmly cheered for us. At the same time, once again I realized the greatness of Keyakizaka46. After the event ended, we talked among ourselves, we talked about how there is no way we could attract that many people on our own, and that we’d like to work harder with greater self awareness.
―― How was your first live performance?
Inoue:I worked desperately to sing and dance during the performance, so I don’t have much memory from it (laughs). However, I can really remember the sight of how the green Keyakizaka46 penlight fills up the venue. I can’t remember whether I performed well or not, but I still remember how warm the venue was.
Morita:I’m completely the same with Inoue, I don’t remember the singing and dancing, but I could remember clearly the sight of the audience from the stage. The sight during W-Keyakizaka no Uta left an impression. Amidst the green light, white lights are hopping up and down like a rabbit.
Inoue:It was really beautiful right.
―― And a handshake event was held after that. I think it was your first time communicating in real time with fans?
Inoue:There was a system where the members you can shake hands with are decided by lottery. So I thought that there would be people that doesn’t want to shake hands with me and they wouldn’t come, they wouldn’t line up, but so many people lined up, and they did their best to convey what they want to say in few seconds time. Like ‘I watched you before’ or ‘I’m glad you are here’, just hearing that makes me cheerful, I felt grateful to be supported.
Morita:During my self appeal, I performed taiko drums, and there was many people who praised that. I am also anxious about my short height, there are people who tell me that it is one of my good points, I am happy that people could directly tell me about a good part of me that I don’t notice.
A song that gives people courage is amazing.
―― Morita-san can also play drums, right? What was the reason you started
Morita:I like bands, particularly Sakanaction. I saw the drummer’s Twitter, and wrote a reply of “I’d like to start playing drum”, and that person replied to me and pushed my back. It made me very happy, I entered a light music club.
―― And that makes you cover Sakanaction song?
Morita:The first song I covered was Sakanaction song. Keyakizaka46’s Futari Sezon and Te wo tsunaide kaerou ka? too, I played quite a lot of songs.
―― And in contrast, Inoue-san, the sight of you singing in SHOWROOM audition left an impression.
Inoue: It was really embarrassing (laughs). My parents told me that on my way back from kindergarten, I would always sing the song I learned that day. But before I realized, I have grown to like singing, there was a time where I sang with my friends for a culture festival. I knew that I am still lacking in singing, but I think that people who can moved people and give people courage with their singing are amazing.
―― What did you sing for culture festival?
Inoue:Ikimonogakari’s Nostalgia, then Ayaka and Kobokuro’s WINDING ROAD. For the final round of audition, I sang Aimyon’s song. Her song’s lyric are unique and fun so I listen to it a lot.
―― Do you have plans to try writing lyric?
Morita:Inoue often uses member’s name as a base to write songs and sing them. If you give her a topic, she will start singing something.
―― Ohh--! What kind of song did you make recently? Is there is a song for Morita-san?
Inoue:There’s also one for Morita. But, there’s a lot for Matsuda Rina. I really put some thoughts into it, I even put narration like “Hm, yeah like that~” into the song (laughs)
―― Somehow I can imagine the atmosphere of the dressing room (laughs). Are you two the leader of the boss room?
Inoue&Morita:(Together) No… It’s… Yamasaki Ten.
―― Unanimous answer (laughs). Then what position did you two think you two have among the 2nd gen?
Morita:When someone is fooling around, I quickly join in. As soon as they call me.
Inoue:I don’t mean to brag, but 2nd gen members told me that “You bring tranquility” or “Seeing Inoue makes me feel at ease”
Morita:In a workplace without Inoue, everyone says “Ah~ I want to see Inoue”. It’s because she’s an interesting girl. Although sometimes she say irresponsible things (laughs). She’s… Somebody you want to talk to.
―― I see. It seems that you are able to understand each other already, but please tell me what contributions you could make to keyakizaka.
Inoue:I like to speak, so I’d like to speak more about myself and the group. I’d like to try doing radio too. During the Showroom stream, there was a time where I used keigo (formal language form) putting up a facade and saying “I’m a lady like person!” to which people in comments are asking “Are you feeling nervous?”. Then I switched to kansai ben so that I won’t be nervous but then I couldn’t stop talking after that.
――What about Morita-san? Please tell us your unique strengths, individuality and so on.
Morita:Hm… I only have my small height...
Inoue:Runrun is very good at dancing.
Morita:I never took a lesson for it, but I like to dance. Also, I like to draw, so I’d like to try designing a costume.
Inoue:Her drawings are very good too. Just a while ago, she was drawing members on the whiteboard, and you could tell which member she was drawing. She also draws animal with delicate brush strokes.
Morita:I love anime and manga, but reading manga especially makes me want to draw better. So when I was in 5th grade of elementary school, I bought a drawing book and practiced mimicking manga drawings every day.
―― Do you have any title that you like in particular?
Morita:I love Fairy Tail. I only read Shounen manga.
―― Morita-san is an indoor person, right?
Morita:I think I am quite an indoor person. During holiday, I would sleep in the morning and wake up in the evening. I read books and watch movies at the middle of the night, then it’s all eat and sleep, eat and sleep...
―― So you can shut-in anytime. What about Inoue-san?
Inoue:When I ran out of energy, I just want to chill out, I like ball games and often went to play tennis. Also there is a part of me that hates losing when it comes to sports, so i often move my body.
―― And the other day, the Keyaki tte Kakenai? episode where 2nd gen makes their appearance was broadcasted, right?
Inoue:My name is Inoue, so there are a lot of times where I am the first to go, like in Omitatekai and then Keyakake. That was also the first time we met the 2 MCs. We didn’t go to the dressing room before the show to greet them. That’s why it was very nerve-wrecking, there was also the time where I face off with Moriya (Akane)-san, I was very nervous.
―― What was your first impression of the two MCs, Tsuchida Teruyuki and Sawabe Yuu?
Inoue:Sawabe-san is as kind as you could see on TV. Tsuchida-san has a child who is from our generation, so he has a fatherlike presence.
Morita:Sawabe-san have beautiful skin. He looked like a cute mascot, just like what the 1st gen members have said (laughs). In addition, as a comedian I think that he is very cool. Tsuchida-san felt like a pro. We haven’t been able to talk in a more personal sense, but seeing how they talked to the 1st gen members, I thought that they were kind people.
―― Speaking of first co-star, that was also your first time working with the 1st gen in a variety show.
Inoue:We were nervous and occasionally our voices became quieter, but the 1st gen members properly speaks loud and gives big reaction too. There were also times where they retorted the two MCs and I realized that we are really different.
―― Did you get an advice before the recording?
Inoue:After the recording, Koike (Minami)-san contacted me, she taught me that the most important thing is to have fun.
―― Is there is anything you’d like to do in the show?
Inoue:I want to do a sports festival.
Morita:I want to go to Fuji Q Highland. I love jet coasters and haunted houses.
―― Are you confident about your reaction?
Inoue:I think that Morita will perfectly nail it.
Morita:Eh---! I’ll leave that to Ten-chan, and I will have fun.
I thought that I must have that feeling too
――You two were a fan of Keyakizaka46, so I think that you have various impression and thoughts about the group, but are there any new discoveries from joining the group?
Morita:I participated in the end of the year music programs, but there were new discoveries like “So there’s this kind of rule” or “There’s no choreo here, you are free to make one”. When I was a fan, I thought that all the moves are decided in the choreo, so I was really surprised when I was told that I am free to make one. I couldn’t do it at all, so I mimicked the seniors a bit. (laughed)
――I think that between Omitatekai and music programs, there are different sense of atmosphere and nervousness in the performance.
Morita:I was allowed to perform in live program Japan Record Award and Music Station, and after that CDTV Christmas and End of year CDTV, but CDTV was my first recording, so I felt more nervous there than the live performances.
Inoue:I was given the chance to perform in End of year’s CDTV, but when I saw everyone who’s in the live performances I was surprised like “Eh--! There they are--!”. I thought that if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to do it. It’s amazing that they could dance such an hard dance with the seniors on live performance.
――And in group activity, the 8th single Kuroi Hitsuji will be released soon (Interview is taken before release). 2nd gen are not participating yet, but what kind of feeling you felt when you listen to the song?
Inoue:I listened to it the first time when it was broadcasted for the first time in radio, I was overwhelmed like “Aaahhh….”. I wondered what kind of performance the seniors will give. The lyrics have a great meaning, and I also thought that it’s a different type of song than the ones released so far. After that, I saw how the seniors talked about what they felt about the song, and once again I felt how strong is their feeling is toward the group. There are also people who said that their feelings to the song and to Keyakizaka46 grew more stronger than before, I thought that I must have that feeling too, I thought I really needed to think about this.
―― With joining the group as a 2nd gen, you’re able to see the group from their perspective, did this give you any inspiration?
Inoue:Yes. But it’s really difficult to put into words. I think it’s easier when you watch the music video, but each of them have a role, and each of them are representing someone in the world. I wonder how I should say this… But it really made me think. There are words that you can miss from just listening to the song, so I hope that you can listen while reading the lyric.
Morita:Before it was released, the 1st gen members wrote in their blog that it will be a song that is different from how it was like up until now, so I really looked forward to it. They have various kind of songs until now, so I can’t imagine what song it will be. So, when it was released, I thought “So this sort of song have come”
――What do you mean?
Morita:I thought that it felt new. In terms of music and video, until now there are many scenes where everyone or several people danced in formation, but this time everyone have their own performance, and I was able to see their new aspects. I felt like I returned to becoming a fan. Inoue have said it already, but I think that this is a song that cannot be easily expressed in words.
―― What kind of songs do you want to perform in Keyakizaka46?
Inoue:Eccentric is my favourite song. It has a strong message like Kuroi Hitsuji, the way of singing feels like a narration and it felt fresh. I want to sing a song with a strong meaning like Kuroi Hitsuji and Eccentric, one that could make someone feel something, and save them.
Morita:I like Hiraishin the most. I think that it is a song where the Keyakizaka46-likeness appear, just like Eccentric. But I also like Abunaikashi Keikaku, I hope one day I can join the performance in a live performance. I’d like to perform an exciting song where you can spin towel with the audience.
――What part of Abunaikashi Keikaku do you like?
Morita:I like how it has different pattern of rhythms. I’m the type that when listening to a song for the first time, I don’t really care about the lyrics. There’s a lot of songs where the reason I like it because of the tempo or how it’s nice to listen to. I like Hiraishin’s tempo, that’s why I like it.
―― And last, please tell me what kind of ideal Idol you want to become.
Inoue:Of course I’d like to be someone who can contribute to group as a member of Keyakizaka46, a person who can encourage someone through singing and dancing, an idol that can give someone a push on their back. Other than that, I am also interested in work related to stage play and acting. I think that one of the charm of being an idol is that they’re able to show various different faces, such as being a model, being an actress, being a radio personality. From now on, I’d like to learn many things, so that one day I’ll be able to convey something to someone through my acting.
―― Do you always have interest in acting?
Inoue:Instead, I thought that I would never be able to do it. But after entering Keyakizaka46, I was able to attend acting lesson, and there is no correct way in acting, so at first I just do it as it is, then I was told that by putting your emotions through your acting you bring life onto the character, and I thought that it’s interesting. I am also the type that think as I watch drama, I started to think that I’d like to give it a try.
―― So you are aiming to be an actress?
Inoue:I like Fukada Kyoko. She can act a serious role or funny role, I admire how she can play various genre of acting.
―― And what about Morita-san?
Morita:I want to become someone necessary to Keyakizaka46. Also, because I like make ups and clothes, I’d like to try appearing in fashion magazines.
―― There is a lot of members in Sakamichi group that is active as a fashion model, is there is a particular member you’d like to make a goal of?
Morita:She has already graduated, but Imaizumi Yui is as small as I am, and the sight of her boldly walks the runway is cool. More than anything I love her smile, I thought that I want to be that kind of idol.
Translated by toomuchidea
QC by numes
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