I don't want to be the only person who knows this band

1. You Were Beautiful

2. I Loved You

3. I'm Serious

4. Hurt Road

5. Congratulations

-Day6 is truly the best..ㅠㅠ I Loved You is my favorite song of theirs, but I have to admit that all of their songs, including the side-tracks, are really great without any exceptions..

-You can always trust Day6 when it comes to music..ㅠㅠ

-Please check out 'What Can I Do', it's my favorite song of theirs..

-They have a lot of great songs..

-All of their songs sound really great that I don't know where to begin my recommendation list.. But I recommend you guys to check out those in the post..ㅠㅠ Just go to the music chart and pick any song that has with the best cover in your opinion.. You won't regret it>_<

-They really do have a lot of great songs.. My favorite is Congratulations..

-Don't talk to me if you haven't listened to Let Go..ㅠㅠ

-Hul.. They have already been in the industry for 5 years..

-There are a lot of Day6's songs that deserve to rocket up back to the music charts.. This band is a group full of geniuses..

-If you want to listen to something less slow, I recommend you guys to check out Shoot Me and So Cool..ㅠㅠ I don't want to be the only person who knows these songs..

-I'm Serious is seriously the best song ever..

-I don't want to be the only person who knows them.. I want people all over the world to know them..

-I was like, 'Day6..?' when I first saw the title..ㅋㅋ Their songs are really great and the members are really charming..

-I quickly thought of Day6 as soon as I read the title..

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