How could SM predict how this idol is going to be once he grows up and debuted him at the age of 15..?
I approve that SM has a really good pair of eyes..
Who would've thought he would grow up like this..
-Oh Gosh.. Our Jisung-ie has grown a lot..
-Are you saying that the guy in this post is actually the same person..? His aura changed a lot..
-Oppa.. I don't care, I'm gonna call him Oppa..
-Hul.. The guy in these gifs and pictures is Jisung..?? When did he grow up so much..ㅠㅠ
-Is that Jisung..?? Wow, he's no longer a baby now.. He's oficially an Oppa nowㅠㅠ
-What..? Jisung is already 18 years old..? Already..? But why..?
ㄴI know right.. Jisung debuted on 2016 and it's already 2019 now..
-SM has the ability to see people's future, I'm very sure of that..
-Whoa, he debuted at the age of 15..?
-Ah.. I remember that gif of him riding the hoverboard, he looks really cute in itㅋㅋㅋ
-Great, now I won't feel guilty for calling him Oppa..ㅠㅠ
-He is the future of NCT Dream.. Jisung is the future..
-I have never seen him anymore since Chewing Gum era, and now he has grown up a lot..
-He somehow looks like Jungwoo in the first gif..
-This grandmother is literally crying now..ㅠㅠ
-I know right.. Jisung has never fail to surprise me by how much he has grown every day..
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