GD under controversy for whether he is fit to serve active duty
Article: Special treatment -> failed to advance -> not enough service days for active duty status... G-Dragon's 'noisy' army service
Source: TV Report via Naver
1. [+6,222, -144] So he can't handle the army but I'm sure he'll pull off his world tour just fine, right? ㅋ He acts like he's so tough but he can't even handle a service that hundreds of thousands of men have endured and finished. He's a failure in life if he believes he's too special for this. If he cares about how the rest of his life will play out, he needs to endure this as if his life depends on it. He doesn't even have that much left, why is he already being such a baby about it? tsk
2. [+2,550, -51] Yang Hyun Suk is the brains behind all of this
3. [+1,928, -60] I'm seriously so enraged
4. [+1,389, -58] All of Big Bang has basically become the nation's hated group
5. [+768, -17] Is this news serious right now????? Are you for real? After he enlisted, he spent 100 of his 300 days in service on vacation.. and now he wants to discharge right away...????? I'm so mad I'm getting goosebumps. Does he think that the other soldiers have so much free time that they're spending it all in the army? My oppa joined the army at 21 and left at 23. GD joined at 30 and spent nearly 200 days on vacation and he wants a discharge now? A celebrity is no hero, why is he getting so much special treatment? I can't even imagine how the other soldiers must feel hearing news like this...
6. [+537, -9] Taeyang has made enough money to leave YG and live off of his wealth on his own. Please just do that and pursue what you want. Don't involve yourself with these people out of loyalty or whatever. You're potentially going to be a father soon, you need to wash yourself clean of this. You have almost 70 more years left to live and I know you're going to realize that this was for the better. I really want to make sure that at least Taeyang gets out of this okay.
7. [+482, -6] To put into perspective how selfish and evil GD is, you have to remember that if he's missing over 100 days of service, his absence isn't replaced by another soldier. His unit has to make it up without him, which means if he and two others were assigned to a task, the other two have to work extra hard to cover his amount too. And even when he gets back to service, do you think he's even working the rest of the time he's in service, especially after missing all those days? He's probably just getting basic training at this point. Most soldiers take all this into consideration and feel bad even going to the hospital when they need to because of it. I remember when SuJu Kangin came to our unit, he at least tried to work hard at his service despite his numerous scandals. GD's just evil.
8. [+362, -10] So many men have endured the army, why is he like this;;
Article: G-Dragon, another army controversy... not enough days to be considered active duty -> will continue service
Source: Newsen via Naver
1. [+4,479, -70] Of course he should continue service. I feel so bad for the people in his unit... Imagine getting him in your unit but he's basically just a name on the roster and doesn't help at all. His peers basically have to do double the work because of him. He's a total nuisance.
2. [+3,076, -71] GD totally had no problem flying around at his concert with all that passion... and yet he can't complete a service that the majority of Korean men are able to do? He was in the hospital for so long and yet he had no problem working international schedules and concerts. He should be embarrassed of himself.
3. [+2,587, -50] YG really needs a taste of their own medicine. People need to wake up and stop consuming YG's idol products. They know that despite all the hate they get, their music will still sell, which is why they keep causing scandals and keep covering them up.
4. [+1,201, -67] This ba$tard is a total nut job
5. [+813, -51] How is this a country
6. [+350, -6] I was already suspicious when I heard he enlisted but who knew his service was this messy
7. [+328, -10] I want all of YG to fail, their kids are all rotten to the core
8. [+241, -6] You're barely in service for two years, would it kill you to just endure it without any tricks? Can't stand this f*cking kid.
9. [+231, -2] Why does he choose to live like this... All you need to do is the bare average... These kids just don't know when to stop because they know Yang Hyun Suk will cover for them.
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