Tiffany poses atop a bathroom sink

Article: Tiffany 'blonde beauty striking a pose in the bathroom'

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+307, -23] That would've been really dangerous if the sink broke, why would she go up there

2. [+283, -19] She won't learn until she falls backwards

3. [+242, -17] What would she have done if she hurt herself? Why climb up there...

4. [+26, -2] Sinks aren't held up by anything strong... Imagine if it had cracked and she fell on the shards. Please don't copy her, anyone...

5. [+22, -3] You'll be crossing into the after life if you try to copy her pose

6. [+17, -1] Sinks look strong but they're actually weak and prone to breaking. She looks like she'd weigh over 40 kg... just looking at her up there looks so dangerous. I'm worried that kids will copy her.

7. [+15, -0] Not an anti but why would you pose up there on something you wash your face in, tsk tsk

8. [+13, -0] Why is she like this...

9. [+12, -0] If the sink broke, she could've cut herself on it

10. [+12, -0] You can easily crack your head open doing this

11. [+12, -1] This is so dangerous. She could've fallen or the sink could've cracked. Risking your life for an SNS post.

12. [+11, -1] What an attention wh*re

13. [+11, -0] Idiot, tsk tsk. Sinks are weak, why would you even climb up on that?

14. [+11, -0] Do you really want to be 31 years old and posing like this;;;;

15. [+10, -0] Micky Yoochun would like this picture ㅋㅋ


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