Seungri denies affiliation with Chinese woman suspected to be Burning Sun's drug distributor

Article: [Exclusive] Big Bang Seungri spotted in a picture with Chinese woman suspected to be Burning Sun's drug distributor

Source: SBS funE via Naver

1. [+6,977, -212] Wow~~ goosebumps.. I knew in my head about all this but Seungri's scary... YG's scary too... but as life goes, you reap what you sow. YG, you're going to be exposed and left to crumble, although that will take time because you bribed so many different sides.

2. [+4,927, -178] Seungri was known for adoring his Chinese VIP rep Anna for always bringing in the big sales for Burning Sun. He would even pour drinks at Anna's table for the Chinese VIPs... ㅎㅎ Will Seungri even be able to serve in the army at this rate? He better hide Anna away the best he can.

3. [+1,295, -93] It's not the army Seungri needs to be sent away to but jail

4. [+879, -93] I wonder how many other celebrities have done drugs at this club;; I bet they have separate rooms for just celebrities and children of important people;; Seungri would know to;;

5. [+569, -54] I wonder why is it that everyone causes scandals after a bit of fame ㅡㅡ It was the fans who raised them to this point and yet ㅡㅡ Please do work that helps society.

6. [+572, -62] So weird how YG remains unscathed no matter how many scandals like this pop out

7. [+494, -55] I don't understand what's holding up investigations for so long when there is so much evidence out right now? Like, he's even being allowed to hold concerts overseas...

8. [+460, -41] The victim who came forward is so brave... He's basically up against bribed police, drug distributors, and a famous celebrity crime cartel, all on his own.


Source: Nate

1. [+3,562, -30] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So it's not the army we should be sending him off to but jail ㅋㅋ How is it that there's more and more coming out of Burning Sun ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+2,951, -24] I bet if you performed a drug test on every celebrity that is affiliated with Seungri or has been to Burning Sun, a lot will test positive ㅋㅋ

3. [+2,558, -32] Wow, that's a picture that's undeniable

4. [+177, -0] The woman who filed a lawsuit against the victim of assault was this Chinese woman ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They totally rigged this whole thing themselves just to turn that victim into a fool. This whole thing is crazy.

5. [+131, -3] I think the army needs to hold off on Seungri's enlistment for now

6. [+103, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ All those times he loved taking pictures with women and it's come back to bite him. I bet his excuse will be that he thought she was a fan so he took the picture.

7. [+92, -3] Farewell, Seungri... not to the army but to jail~~~

8. [+83, -0] I had a feeling he had hired women in all of this too

9. [+73, -0] "According to sources, the woman who file a lawsuit against the victim of assault Kim last November was also Anna" Crazy... Seungri-ya, what're you going to do?

10. [+54, -2] I wish he'd just be thrown in jail already


Article: [Exclusive] Seungri, "Picture with Chinese woman? I don't turn down picture requests... I don't even remember her"

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+7,995, -166] She's your staff, how could you not have known?

2. [+5,504, -148] Is he a politician? ㅋㅋㅋ Just deny everything saying you don't know? ㅋㅋㅋ As if TOP showing up in a wheelchair wasn't a politician cosplay enough ㅋㅋ he's using the same tactics too with rotten politicians

3. [+2,970, -72] It's so scary to think how dirty and corrupted the celebrity industry actually might be

4. [+2,896, -156] And yet the Chinese woman claims to know Seungri ㅋㅋㅋ Looks like this picture has become the smoking gun

5. [+2,079, -68] So what does Seungri know? He said all over TV that he ran the thing himself and yet he knows nothing now ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+574, -15] I wonder how hard that Chinese woman had work in order to get to a position to be able to take a picture with Seungri...?

7. [+532, -25] Well do you remember that you're a Big Bang member? Do you remember that you're Korean too?

8. [+470, -20] It gives me goosebumps to read that she was the MD of the club when she filed a lawsuit against Kim, and also that she's under suspicion for distributing drugs...


Source: Nate

1. [+883, -25] I was thinking that it's plausible... but then the woman posted the picture calling him a CEO. Why would a normal fan write that?

2. [+848, -28] When TOP and GD all have drug scandals, it'd be sad if you didn't get to fit in either... only Taeyang's normal..

3. [+772, -31] Utter lies..

4. [+60, -3] You don't even remember your own staff? She was the staff who handled your Chinese VIP guests. What a blatant lie.

5. [+57, -2] She was the club MD who handled the Chinese VIP clients. How can he claim that he doesn't know her and act like he just took a picture with a random fan? Please run a drug test on this guy before you shave his head for the army.

6. [+42, -3] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ For a guy who showed himself paying attention to every single lighting fixture in the club, he's trying to tell us that he doesn't know his own MD? It's amazing how he's claiming to not know anything until the end right now. We really need to exile him from the industry.

7. [+33, -3] ㅋㅋ As if you wouldn't know your own top ranking staff ㅋ

8. [+31, -1] "I don't know", "I don't remember", all he did was learn corrupted things from politicians, tsk tsk tsk.

9. [+31, -0] Such a pathetic excuse. She's the MD of the club that he's CEO in. She's under suspicion of distributing drugs at the club. She also filed a lawsuit against the man who was assaulted by the club's bodyguards. She also posted a picture with Seungri from the club.

10. [+23, -2] So what's next on his agenda? Get on a wheelchair and prepare for army enlistment?


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