“Only the members knew!” Keyakizaka46's 2nd gen members surprising aspect ranking! (BOMB March 2019)
The most stylish member
1. Fujiyoshi Karin (3 votes)
Inoue: Because she is fashionable from her collar down to her socks
Takemoto: Because the clothes Karin come with always suits her
Morita: Her clothes, for certain, but the collars, socks, and other details are also fashionable.
2. Morita Hikaru
Tamura: She suits wearing a cute size
Fujiyoshi: Her clothes are my type
2. Matsudaira Riko
Matsuda: Because she always wearing a cute and girlish clothes
Matsudaira: Um.. The way she looked like. How she can wear clothes that not everyone can wear
4. Tamura Hono
Seki: Her taste in clothing are similar to me, she wears cute clothes
4. Takemoto Yui
Yamasaki: Because she looks mature
If i were a male, i want her as my girlfriend
1. Tamura Hono (4 votes)
Inoue: Because when you look up “girlfriend” in a dictionary, it feels like “Tamura Hono” will appear
Matsuda: Because she is cute, kind, and understanding
Morita: If i were a male, i would definitely confess to her. She’s my type
Yamasaki: Her behavior is cute
2. Morita Hikaru
Seki: Our height difference is just right
Takemoto: She is small, her eyes are round and cute, it always make me want to hug her. Also, because she have a good flow and fun!
2. Matsuda Rina
Tamura: She is kind, funny, and caring
Fujiyoshi: She is very kind and considerate
4. Seki Yumiko
Matsudaira: She’s kind
When seems to be the scariest when they are angry
1. Seki Yumiko (4 votes)
Inoue: Because it feels like she will quietly radiates an angry aura
Takemoto: She feels older sister-like the most, so it feels like she will scold me
Fujimoto: She’s always calm, so i’m curious to see that side of her
Matsuda: Because i think she will scold me in her Fukuoka dialect
1. Takemoto Yui (4 votes)
Seki: I can’t catch up with (hearing) Kansai dialect, so i thought so.
Tamura: It feels like she will scold me with her Kansai dialect so much it will left me speechless
Morita: I’m still not used to hearing Kansai dialect. When she’s really angry, it feels like she will be really scary
3. Matsudaira Riko
Yamasaki: She looks gentle, so it feels that when she is really angry she gonna look scary
The noisiest
1. Yamasaki Ten (6 votes)
Inoue: Maybe it’s because she is younger, she’s always noisy
Seki: She always sing something by herself
Takemoto: She have an image where she laughs heartily
Tamura: She’s always being noisy alone
Fujiyoshi: She’s the youngest, still a 1st year middle school student, she’s powerful
Morita: It feels like she’s always making a noise because she is a 1st year middle school student
2. Takemoto Yui
Matsuda: Because when she started goof around, she don’t stop and always laughing
Yamasaki: Have a good flow and loud laughter
3. Matsuda Rina
Matsudaira: She’s talkative
Member who seems like she can eat the most
1. Inoue Rina (4 votes)
Takemoto: Even though she’s thin, she’s ate quite a lot while saying “That’s not enough”
Tamura: I often see her eat
Morita: I think she ate more than other people
Yamasaki: She looks thin, but it seems that she ate a lot
2. Fujiyoshi Karin
Seki: Because she have the image of always eating something
Fujiyoshi: Before i realize, i have already started eating
Matsuda: Because she sang “I like~ to eat~”, and there’s an image where she’s always chewing something
3. Takemoto Yui
Inoue: Because sometimes she shows a great appetite
3. Seki Yumiko
Matsudaira: She often talk about Hakata ramen
The most reliable
1. Matsuda Rina (7 votes)
Inoue: Because she feels like 2nd gen leader
Seki: When we have to change trains, i leave it all to Marina (laughs)
Takemoto: When we went somewhere, she will look it up. When we arrive, she would wake Inoue, Morita, and Takemoto.
Tamura: Because she always speaks well in front of everyone
Matsudaira: She radiates that sort of aura
Morita: When we went out together, she always looks up everything and walks in front
Yamasaki: Because she’s a bank employee
2. Seki Yumiko (2 votes)
Fujiyoshi: She leads me when riding a train, like an older sister!!
Matsuda: Because she is calming, and a 20 years old. When i’m with her, i become quiet
Translated by tmi
Raw from weibo
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