Nanami-chan, 333 (Nagahama Neru blog 10th February 2019)
こんばんは! // Good evening!
今日はスペシャルイベントの // Today is the sign event
サイン会でした。// from the special events.
よねに会えたーーーー! // I met Yone-------!!!!!!
実は最近 // The truth is, recently
2人でご飯に行ったのだけど、// the two of us went out for a meal together,
それでもやっぱり // but in the end,
欅の制服を着てるよねが愛おしくて。// Yone who wears Keyaki uniform is truly lovely.
うわーーーー、よねだー!!となった。// Makes you go "Uwaaa--!! It's Yone--!!!"

嬉しいなー。// It makes me happy.
それと実はね、// Also, actually
よねの最後の握手会でも写真撮ってたのー! // I took pictures during Yone's last handshake event!
とっておきなのです☺️ // These are to be treasured.

いつもありがとう奈々未ちゃん。😌 // Thank you as always, Nanami-chan.
これからもよろしくね。// From now on too, I'll be in your care.
とても元気が出た1日でした! // It was a very fun day!
読んでくれてありがとう、// Thank you for reading,
長濱ねる // Nagahama Neru
QC by Numes
今日はスペシャルイベントの // Today is the sign event
サイン会でした。// from the special events.
よねに会えたーーーー! // I met Yone-------!!!!!!
実は最近 // The truth is, recently
2人でご飯に行ったのだけど、// the two of us went out for a meal together,
それでもやっぱり // but in the end,
欅の制服を着てるよねが愛おしくて。// Yone who wears Keyaki uniform is truly lovely.
うわーーーー、よねだー!!となった。// Makes you go "Uwaaa--!! It's Yone--!!!"
嬉しいなー。// It makes me happy.
それと実はね、// Also, actually
よねの最後の握手会でも写真撮ってたのー! // I took pictures during Yone's last handshake event!
とっておきなのです☺️ // These are to be treasured.
いつもありがとう奈々未ちゃん。😌 // Thank you as always, Nanami-chan.
これからもよろしくね。// From now on too, I'll be in your care.
とても元気が出た1日でした! // It was a very fun day!
読んでくれてありがとう、// Thank you for reading,
長濱ねる // Nagahama Neru
QC by Numes
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