Nagahama Neru blog: Playlist; Nagasaki Lantern Festival

Playlist,   331

Nagahama Neru


The Nagasaki Lantern Festival has begun!
It's already been a year since I was in the Emperor's Parade.

It seems my family went, too.
They sent me a photo. I'm jealous.

This year, a new event called "Sky Lantern"
Has begun, it appears.

I really, really, really want to go.

Lanterns in the sky!
It's true! I've always wanted to see them!
In Nagasaki!

Be sure to~

You know,
Keyaki Message is an app
That lets me, how should I say it,
Easily send messages to you all.

Over there
I have gone ahead and started
A feature called "Today's theme song."

It's been more than a year now....

Songs I like,
Songs I've just discovered,
Songs that match my mood that day....

Every day I post one for people to check out if they want to.
(Well, it's not exactly every day.)

I'm happy that a lot of people say they like it.

So today I'm going to list ten songs I like.

Here in my blog,
I think I'll try writing out
Today's playlist.

Before I turned 20, I would have hesitated to lay something out like this
But music gives me so much power every day,
And I want to share those feelings with everyone.

Squeezing it down to ten songs was tough.
The discussion was difficult....


Please Be Naked   /The 1975
morning/Ame no Parade  雨のパレード さん
Love Someone   /Lucas Graham
Why so Serious   /Alice Merton
Let it Out   /DYGL
Lost Stars   /Adam Levine
Supermarket Flowers   / Ed Sheeran
Day 1   /HONNE
Clock   /She's
Philosophy   /Ben Folds Five

Any of you who have time, give them a listen, eh.
I somehow even considered the order ٩( 'ω' )و

From albums,
From subscription services,
It's a playlist filled with love for everyone.

If you listen starting from the first one,
It's really kind of like a movie. Amazing....

Which should we make everyone's theme song?

For Keyakizaka46 Message,
See details here:

Thank you for reading.

Nagahama Neru

Interesting playlist. Only two Japanese songs. I've added links to YouTube versions of each of her choices.

Sky lanterns in Nagasaki:

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