JYP's anticipated girl group ITZY finally makes debut

Article: ITZY debut feelings, "The JYP girl group title is a lot of pressure, we'll work hard"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+338, -62] It's going to be hard to overtake Twice

2. [+218, -46] Twice is already doing so well, makes me wonder if another group is necessary at this point...

3. [+45, -35] Their song is so bad, it gives me f(x) and Red Velvet feels ㅋㅋ but also Twice or Black Pink if you give it another listen. Just feels like a bunch of concepts mixed into one?

4. [+41, -7] Their song is so bland

5. [+30, -32] Well they might end up JYP's first flop-dol...

6. [+28, -21] In real life, they look very different... from their profile pictures...

7. [+26, -22] Their debut track is so bad... what was the point in adding Lee Chaeyeon to the group? Would've been better to keep them as 4...

8. [+22, -24] I'm sure they're under a lot of pressure having to be the group that comes after Twice. The kids are cute, I wish them the best.

9. [+18, -9] This group feels like they lost that characteristic JYP feel. I think miss A is the last JYP group to still keep that feel. Park Jin Young himself seems to have lost a lot of his senses when it comes to this stuff. I wish he'd go back to his witty lyrics like in the past ㅠ

10. [+16, -11] They all have quite the sturdy legs

11. [+12, -3] I'm sorry to say this about a group that just debuted but I think JYP needs to hurry up and change their style. JYP has never put out a group of this style and they feel like Black Pink without the power. They even feel more minor than G-IDLE. They're only getting attention now because they're JYP but their song and music video sound like a mid-tier agency group. A group that you expect to disappear after a few stages. JYP hasn't even been able to get Stray Kidz going, they should just push them in a different concept while they can...


Source: Naver

1. [+1,194, -12] Chaeryung's unni is not Twice's Chaeyoung but IZ*ONE's Chaeyeon.....

2. [+455, -58] Their song and styling sounds and looks modern, the members are so pretty... I think they'll be Twice's dependable support and friends.

3. [+235, -44] ITZY is jjang great ❣️

4. [+149, -29] Let's hit daebak ITZY

5. [+114, -10] You need a good song to get popular. Doesn't matter how talented the members are, groups just don't last long without a good song.

6. [+108, -26] Honestly, I had a lot of expectations. The members are all pretty and all but their song is bad. Average, if I'm trying to be nice. The other songs on their album are even worse... I don't feel that they're any different from the other groups out there.

7. [+68, -16] I don't like it... how is their song any different from the other girl groups right now?

8. [+58, -11] They keep singing about being different but they feel like I've seen them somewhere else already

9. [+50, -7] I watched their music video. Aren't there already a lot of girl groups like them? The member number, concept, song, music video quality... all just average.

10. [+59, -24] I honestly closed their music video after the first minute

11. [+59, -25] They're like Black Pink + Red Velvet. It's so obvious that they took their concept from Black Pink.

12. [+33, -2] I honestly never understood the hype around Twice but now that I compare them to this group, I can see that JYP really hit jackpot with Twice.

13. [+29, -4] Am I the only one that finds them weird? They don't have any impact to them~~

14. [+63, -42] They just seem like a knock-off Black Pink....

15. [+24, -5] Can't ignore the power of a big agency. If they had debuted in a mid-tier agency, no one would've cared at all.

16. [+17, -1] Why did JYP put all the visuals in Twice? I think Park Jin Young is focusing his efforts on his Japanese girl group right now..

17. [+23, -8] They don't have a selling point. They're technically hip hop but Black Pink has the better songs and visuals. They don't have a center member like Suzy that will make all the men go crazy. They also have too little members to give the effect of a flower bouquet.

18. [+20, -5] I had to turn off their song

19. [+15, -0] Their songs really sound like no one put any effort into it. What was their agency doing? Even their concept is up in the air.

20. [+14, -2] I actually got 4minute vibes from them...


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