FNC denies any health issues with Jimin's weight
Article: FNC reps, "Jimin's thin body? No issues with her health" [official statement]
Source: X Sports News via Naver
1. [+655, -6] Hul... is this the Jimin I remember? ㅠ Glad there's nothing wrong with her
2. [+452, -25] How can there be nothing wrong with her health when she's nothing but bones? She looks like an anorexia patient.
3. [+306, -12] No, there does look something wrong.
4. [+248, -55] Then is there something wrong with her mind? Because it's obvious there's a problem here...
5. [+67, -3] Maybe she got surgery on her jaw?? I remember UEE got jaw surgery and she thinned down a ton, maybe because it's harder to eat.
6. [+28, -1] I think her face is a bigger concern...
7. [+24, -1] She must be anorexic ㅠㅠㅠ
8. [+24, -3] I'd say it's her face, not how thin she is... seems like she got something done on her jaw..
Article: AOA Jimin's thin body is a problem? FNC reps, "No problem with her health, she enjoys exercising"
Source: OSEN via Naver
1. [+498, -9] How did she become a skeleton just by exercising?
2. [+334, -7] Seems like anorexia
3. [+215, -2] For someone who's been exercising, I don't see any muscles. She looks like an anorexia patient... she needs to gain some weight.
4. [+108, -0] I can see why fans are concerned....
5. [+28, -1] Did she exercise her jaw? Because she shaved it down a ton..
6. [+25, -6] She seemed to have a strong complex about her looks because of Seolhyun... I remember she asking for ways to get prettier on a show... She may have made money thanks to Seolhyun but lost her happiness... AOA is a flop with Choa gone now..
7. [+14, -1] The trend among celebrities is skeletal bodies that look like they're in rehab ㅋ
8. [+13, -1] She looks like a choding... there's no charm at all..
Source: Nate
1. [+296, -2] She does look sick though...
2. [+116, -2] No way that there's nothing wrong when she's this thin
3. [+14, -0] She probably uploaded these pictures thinking she looked pretty and now she's shocked at the reactions
4. [+14, -0] If there's nothing wrong with her health, then she must be addicted to dieting
5. [+12, -0] Obviously she's going to keep losing weight if you guys keep telling her she looks like Samuel Jackson...
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