The things that makes boy group's stans tear up today..

VIXX's last fanmeeting before the members enlist in the military

Wanna One's last concert before graduating

UNB's last concert before disbanding

Arashi announced to take a break at the end of 2020

-Hul.. You're saying that all of these happened in just one day?

-My UNB..ㅠㅠ Why does their last promotion have to be in Japan?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Huk.. Who's in VIXX going to enlist this year??

-Kwangsoo is really cruel. UNB was formed through Korean fans' votes, and yet their last activity took place in Japan..

-What's wrong today..?

-I'm a VIXX's stan and I cried really hard on their fanmeeting..

-VIXX.. Even the members I expected not to cry bursted out in tears at the fanmeeting..ㅠㅠ

-What's wrong with today..?ㅠㅠ My heart is breaking into

-Today is the day I die..

-Wanna One.. Arashi..ㅠㅠ

-I'm a fan of Wanna One and VIXX.. My heart is too weak to handle these all at once, I think I might die at this point..

-I'm a fan of VIXX and Arashi.. Can someone please help me?

-VIXX.. Let's stay together for a really long time..ㅠㅠ

-VIXX's members are enlisting..??!?!? Hul..

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