The legendary trick behind tvN dramas' duration
Reply 1994 ㅡ 1st ep: 66 mins, last ep: 99 mins
Reply 1988 ㅡ 1st ep: 88 mins, last ep: 113 mins
Prison Playbook ㅡ 1st ep: 93 mins, last ep: 99 mins
Signal ㅡ 1st ep: 76 mins, last ep: 89 mins
Goblin ㅡ 1st ep: 88 mins, last ep (ep 15 and 16 back to back): 64 mins + 72 mins
Mr. Sunshine ㅡ 1st ep: 73 mins, last ep: 96 mins
100 Days My prince ㅡ 1st ep: 72 mins, last ep: 84 mins
My Mister ㅡ 1st ep: 88 mins, last ep: 91 mins
The Crowned Clown ㅡ 1st ep: 82 mins, 2nd ep: 85 mins
-Why is it called 'trick'? I don't understand..
-The longer the duration is, the higher the ratings they would get..
-Reply 1994's last episode is almost 2 hours long..
-When I watched Reply 1994's last episode, I seriously thought I was watching a movie..ㅋㅋㅋ It was so long, and once I realized it.. I've been watching for almost 2 hours..ㅋㅋㅋ
-This trick sucks;; People would still watch dramas even if they were shorter;;
-I had no idea Prison Playbook's last episode was that long.. It was so fun so I just kept watching it till the end without knowing how much time has passed..
-I'm just asking this out of curiosity.. Why is the longer the duration, the higher the ratings they would get..?
-Some of these dramas are actually that good.. All the time spent watching was worth it, so I don't really mind the duration..ㅋㅋㅋ Even though I have to admit that is such a sly trick..
-These dramas are good, I have never thought the long durations to be a trick or something like that..
-I can't imagine how much the editors had to suffer..
-As a viewer who enjoyed most of these dramas, I have no problem with the long durations..
-tvN's dramas are usually that long.. They produce good dramas, so trick like this is actually kind of useless.. Their ratings are safe enough without using any tricks..
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