Starship and their amazing detailsㄷㄷㄷ

Congratulations! Jung Sewoon finally released his fanclub's official light stick!

First of all

Sewoon's nickname = Ponyo
Sewoon's birthday = May 31st, which is also Day of Sea/Oceans Day in South Korea
Sewoon's self-produced song = Close Over, which he wrote while watching waves in the sea

First surprise, his light stick is shaped like a fish tank with waves inside of it..

Second surprise, the light stick contains all of his official color which are yellow, purple, and even the white silver sparkle..

Let's take a look at the box of the light stick..

The button on the light stick

The handle of the light stick

And also on the top of the light stick. You can see his official logo, which is a four-leaf clover..
This is the third surprise..

On top of that, the clover inside the light stick can rotate..

Salute to Starship Entertainment.. ^^7


1. [+79][-1] Whoa..ㅋㅋㅋ The logo rotates..ㅋㅋㅋ Seems like Starship pays more attention to their artists more than big companies do..

2. [+73][-2] I'm not a fan of Jung Sewoon, but the quality of his light stick is seriously so great that I want to buy one.. It represents Jung Sewoon's calm, warm, and quiet personality.. It suits his image really well. Starship is really good at doing their job..

3. [+65][-0] I found out about his light stick on Twitter and I have to admit that it's really pretty.. WJSN's light stick is pretty as well! As expected from Starship.. I'm so jealous,,

4. [+17][-0] I looked up on the searching engine and first of all, Jung Sewoon's official colors are so pretty to start off.. This is so cool..

5. [+17][-0] Here's a picture of light stick that I just recently took.. It's so prettyㅠㅠ

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