Six male trainees accuse their female CEO of sexual harassment

Article: [Exclusive Interview] Trainees who claim they were 'sexually harassed by CEO', "We felt like we were male escorts"

Source: YTN via Nate

1. [+907, -26] Even her own daughter tried to stop her... "mom... stop"... So it was the female CEO A and her sister-in-law who sexually harassed the six trainees. The sister-in-law's daughter was even there in one instance and asked her mom to stop... How could both of them commit something like that against minors in front of their own niece and daughter? Wow~ how are they human? This is so scary. This reminds me of the late Jang Ja Yeon's scandal.

2. [+844, -94] Release the identities of the women. Why reveal the men and not the women? Name their identities.

3. [+740, -43] There's no point in arguing over genders. A victim is a victim. Just because they're men doesn't mean they should've just put up with it.

4. [+48, -2] Even her own daughter told her to stop ㅋㅋ hopeless

5. [+23, -1] And there are some trainees who sat through all this in order to become top stars


Source: Naver

1. [+912, -33] The victim's voice counts as evidence, right??

2. [+549, -15] She sexually harassed them with her own high school daughter watching. How is she sane? How is she going to deal with the embarrassment the boys must've felt?

3. [+296, -29] The voice of the victims is evidence enough.. please stop trying to accuse them of trying to lie to get money out of this

4. [+130, -5] Ajummas need to realize that it also counts as sexual harassment when they feel up men on their arms and shoulders too. People think so lightly of sexual harassment against men but imagine if an ajusshi felt up a young woman's arms and shoulders? He would've been reported immediately. There are so many men who suffer at the hands of ajummas. Even women their own age consider it not a big deal. Society only views women as the victim and men feel like they have to stay quiet even if they're suffering too. When I used to be a swimming instructor, I had ajummas purposely touch my butt all the time.

5. [+29, -4] Eh? We live in a country where a gagwoman can grope a male idol and no one bats an eye

6. [+22, -0] Man or woman, just what are you people doing to these young kids? Please age gracefully


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