Park Yoochun to make singing comeback after 3 years

Article: [Exclusive] Park Yoochun to release a new album after 3 years and make singing comeback... "NO promos"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,110, -29] That is some thick skin

2. [+1,004, -34] Puhahahahaha, Toilet Yoochun is going to sing? Just go be a porno actor...

3. [+674, -28] That's a good decision... you don't need to promote

4. [+35, -4] Please release a toilet song, it'll sell well

5. [+33, -0] He's asking his piggy fans to deposit money into his bank account since he needs to buy an apartment in Lotte Towers too

6. [+29, -0] So he only wants to hold concerts, which is what makes the most money

7. [+19, -3] Tsk tsk, dreams of a 5 member TVXQ have been crushed because of him. I always thought at least if enough time passed, that I'd see the 5 of them together again.

8. [+16, -2] I don't remember him as that good of a singer even during his TVXQ days..


Source: Naver

1. [+8,707, -209] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Disgusting

2. [+7,353, -189] He was caught at a parlor doing it with a prostitute in a bathroom, whether that was r#pe or not, how can fans still be by his side? I don't get it...

3. [+3,477, -90] All I can think of is toilet..

4. [+2,512, -121] Ah... even if Kim Hyun Joong and Yoochun are legally free, their private lives have been exposed way too much.. ㅡㅡ please, can't the two of you just go open your own businesses or something.

5. [+1,240, -222] Reading the comments makes me realize there are a lot of brainless b*tches

6. [+544, -24] I mean ㅋㅋㅋ I'm a woman too but I'm surprised he still has fans who like him... Isn't the point of liking celebrities to like the fantasy and image that they sell you?

7. [+509, -75] TVXQ is really amazing. Unpaid Wages Junsu, Drunk Driving Jaejoong, Toilet Yoochun, how did they work with JYJ all this time?

8. [+289, -37] I now realize why TVXQ is only two members... imagine how hard it was for Yunho to deal with such kids...


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