Netizens debate which hairstyle suits Kim Bora the best
Long hair vs Short hair vs Short cut
(and with or without bangs)
-She looks beautiful with any kind of hairstyle, but I personally like her with short cut the most..
-Long hair with bangs!!
-Now I know why back then using Kim Bora's picture as a profile picture was a big trend..ㅋㅋ
-She looks so freaking beautiful.. My heart beats really fast as I scroll down this post..
-She looks like Nayeon with long hair, and Jihyo with short hair..
-She suits all of these hairstyle.. But I personally like her the best when she has long hair with no bangs..
-I have never thought about this, but I noticed that she looks like the mixture of Nayeon, Jihyo, and Mina..
-That pucca hair shows how beautiful her face shape is.. But I like her with short hair the most!!
-Well, she's beautiful.. She would look gorgeous in any kind of hairstyle..
-Short cut or short hair..
-Long hair with no bangs..
-She looks really adorable..ㅠㅠ I personally think she looks prettier with bangs..ㅠㅠ
-My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Kim Bora with short cut, I think I've gone insane..
-I think she looks the most beautiful with short hair..
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