'I signed up my kids for a trainer after watching SKY Castle'
'I signed up my kids for a trainer after watching SKY Caste'
'My kid is in 11th grade, for your information.
I originally had no idea about trainers and stuffs, I really felt sorry for my kid.
And no, I don't brainwash(?) like how they do to the kids in the drama.
All we do is do some consulting with the trainer, they write CVs for my kid, they check the weak points that my kid has, they organize sample questions for my kid, etc. They take care about everything for my kid, they plan the schedule, and stuffs.
My target is getting my kid into SKY Universities (Seoul Uni, Korea Uni, Yonsei Uni), if possible I really want my kid to get accepted in Seoul Uni.
I'm not obsessed about med school, I just hope that my kid gets accepted in Seoul Uni.
I'm not giving a lot of pressure and just rooting for my kid quietly from behind. '
'Can you please share the information regarding the trainer?~~~~'
'I sent you a private message~'
'Can you also share the information with me?'
'I signed up my kid for one too. I found out about trainers from the drama SKY Castle. They told me I was too late to sign my kid up, but I'm not going to give up. She entered school a little bit earlier anyway, it's not going to hurt her to enroll one year later than her friends..ㅎㅎ'
'I want my kid to be like Ye Seo..' The increase of parents who do consultation with trainers as the after-effect from drama SKY Castle.
-Oh Gosh.. Seems like these people don't get the moral story from the drama..
-That kind of people are the real-life version of Kwak Mihyang..
-It's been years since I graduated from high school, but honestly speaking.. I'm really jealous of the kids. They have the chance and also the ability to sign up for such things..
-Ah.. I'm suffocating here..ㅋㅋㅋ
-I can only sigh to read things like this..
-I'm sure this is not what the writers intended to happen when they wrote the drama..
-If I were richer, I would've tried consulting as well.. It would be nice to have someone who take cares of myself like that..
-Honestly, I'm so jealous of those kids.. I had no idea about enrollment, universities, and stuffs.. So did my parents..
-It's just like how Mihyang said that Ye Seo is not Youngjae, her kid is different from other people's kids..
-She sets a target for her kid to get accepted in Seoul Uni. and yet she says she's not pressuring her kid..?
-Having a consultation is not a bad thing.. It's just that the poor kids feel it's really unfair because they can't afford such things..
-I knew this would happen.. Koreans are the type of people who like to copy and follow what everybody else seems to be doing..ㅠㅠ Well, if I were richer and had the information, I probably would've signed up for one too..
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