Fans start national petition over Jennie and Kai, accuse Dispatch of invasion of privacy

Article: Kai ♥ Jennie, the aftermath of confirming their relationship -> 'privacy invasion' and even a national petition

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+2,862, -71] I don't think anyone has a right to hate on Dispatch if they've ever enjoyed pictures taken by fans who snuck in DSLR cameras into concerts or sasaengs who stalked them to take pictures of them on the plane, hotel, or dorms

2. [+1,466, -95] Hul, hypocritical how people were okay with Dispatch reporting on other celebrity relationships but it's suddenly not okay because it's EXO and Black Pink? Dispatch doesn't only report on relationships. You can't just call it an invasion of privacy because the group has a lot of fans.

3. [+1,055, -394] Jennie is honestly so selfish, no? She's only three years into her debut and she ignores her peers and has no problem going into a relationship ㅋㅋㅋ If I were the CEO, I would've kicked her out immediately. You can already see how rotten her roots are ㅋ

4. [+667, -66] Surely these two expected an aftermath like this by going into a relationship, right? You reap what you sow

5. [+198, -3] That's taking it a bit too far, isn't it? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The national petition board isn't some playground for you kids ㅋㅋㅋ I feel like fans are purposely trying to screw them over with that

6. [+168, -3] What an embarrassment to the country to be using the national petition board for celebrity relationships

7. [+151, -3] Stupid fangirls don't realize that they're the ones bringing DSLR cameras into private family weddings and digging in trash bins outside their dorms... don't accuse Dispatch of invading privacy without reflecting on your own actions first...

8. [+127, -2] The national petition board is not meant for you guys to use it like this. There are so many regretful, horrifying issues that need more attention!!! I don't know if it was a Black Pink or EXO fan that started it but it's ridiculous!! No one cares whether these two are dating or not. Now people will know that the two fandoms are disrespectful until either group disbands!


Source: Nate

1. [+155, -0] There are so many stupid b*tches. Please go clean your rooms if you have nothing better to do.

2. [+124, -1] What a pathetic petition... tsk tsk tsk.

3. [+122, -6] As expected of brainless EXO-Ls ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+15, -1] As expected of that fandom ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+10, -0] The fans were trying so hard to act cool but they weren't cool about it all along ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+9, -0] As expected of EXO fans 👍👍

7. [+3, -0] This is why people want to get rid of the national petition board... too many useless petitions

8. [+2, -0] This has passed the point of stupidity... You guys need to realize that it doesn't matter if you built his career off of your bank accounts, it's all useless in the end.


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