Yulhee reveals that she also has a 7 year old brother
Article: Yulhee reveals 45 year old mother and 7 year old brother
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+409, -12] Well technically the mother had Yulhee early, and if she had the little brother at 38, it's not that shocking or anything ㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+299, -18] Her mom got pregnant with Yulhee at 22 and had her at 23... Yulhee got pregnant at 21 and had her son at 22... wow
3. [+169, -5] The baby's cute and so is his uncle ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+31, -11] If you calculate it, Yulhee's mother had Yulhee at 24. For the time period, that wasn't even considered early back then.
5. [+26, -9] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is a funny household
6. [+18, -2] Nothing to be surprised about, her dongsaeng's really cute~
7. [+18, -5] Wow, getting married early must run in the family... that's bizarre...
8. [+15, -0] So even her mom gave birth early..
9. [+15, -2] Everyone in the family is so good looking
10. [+15, -5] Nowadays most people have their first kid at 38~ but I personally don't find it wrong to have kids early if both parents are healthy
11. [+13, -4] The mom must feel like she just had a third kid when he's technically her grandson
12. [+10, -1] I know people who've had their first kid at 39 nowadays
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