Woohee's contract with Dal Shabet expires, group is unofficially disbanded

Article: HappyFace reps, "Woohee's contract has expired" Dal Shabet is technically disbanded

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+273, -1] I remember Dal Shabet was even performing at country-side markets... you guys suffered a lot, Dal Shabet..

2. [+228, -2] If they debuted in 2011, that makes them debutmates with A Pink... Must be hard for idol groups to survive

3. [+177, -3] I wouldn't say Dal Shabet's a complete failure... the real failures are the ones who don't even make it in the news like this

4. [+16, -0] They lasted long enough...

5. [+15, -2] Dal Shabet failed, Uni T failed... what a career

6. [+14, -2] I wish her success. She's charming and humble and a decent singer too.

7. [+9, -1] Real failures are groups like Chi Chi. Dal Shabet and Stellar made out okay... at least one member in Stellar is already a cafe CEO.

8. [+9, -0] I feel bad.. Woohee has so much potential for more. Good dancer, pretty face..

9. [+7, -3] She would've hit daebak if she was under a different agency. Cute face + glamorous body + crazy hips... no way she isn't popular with visuals like that

10. [+7, -0] Dal Shabet did okay as rookies, if it wasn't for that one male idol group fandom that ruined their image. Too bad that other male idol group is also in shambles too ㅋㅋ


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